YWN Exclusive: Real Winners & Losers of Tuesday’s Election!

voteAs is our tradition, YWN’s political writer Jacob Kornbluh, who is himself a winner for producing the news video that got more attention and hits in the Mayoral race than any other, has compiled YWN’s exclusive list of Jewish winners & losers of last night’s election.



The smaller chasidic sect in Williamsburg won a big victory over their long-time rivals, the Zalis, with their crucial endorsement of Bill DeBlasio that may have even taken DeBlasio over the top in his needed 40% to avoid a run-off by providing a bloc of almost 5,000 votes for DeBlasio.

We will have a final breakdown of the Satmar numbers in a separate post.

Agudath Israel of America

All of the senior leaders of Agudah from Sol Werdiger to Ely Kleinman have been long-time supporters of DeBlasio. In the Bloomberg world they were practically shut-out. In a DeBlasio world expect them to have a seat at the table.

Chaim Deutsch

Even Chaim wasn’t convinced it could happen but he ran the race of his life and edged out a big victory over Ari Kagan. With the frum community now united behind him expect the Shomrim founder to give a fight in November as well.

David Greenfield

It’s indisputable. If you want to win the Jewish vote you need David Greenfield’s support. Sure Joe Hynes lost Brooklyn last night but he won Boro Park & Flatbush by an amazing 75% to 25% proving that Greenfield is the ultimate Jewish powerbroker. Also, with so many of his friends winning Council seats last night expect Greenfield’s influence in the Council to rise.

Crown Heights Jewish Community Council

Chanina Sperlin, Zaki Tamir & Eli Cohen took a risk in backing Laurie Cumbo for City Council and it paid off big time. Their estimated bloc vote of 1500 or so likely provided Laurie with the victory. Sure their Mayoral candidate, Bill Thompson is on the ropes, but he won their neighborhood overwhelmingly.

Scott Stringer

Did he give a well-earned fight.  The credit goes to Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group, who was an early backer of Scott Stringer and was visibly identified with the Manhattan Boro President for years. Ezra escorted Mr. Stringer at Jewish events an introduced him to Jewish power brokers for years.


Rockland County Jewish Community

If there was one thing that united the Rockland frum community it was the David Fried must not win. As an ally of the anti-frum Preserve Ramapo Fried became public enemy number one. Unfortunately for them he won in a landslide.

Dov Hikind

Call it the Hikind curse. Every candidate that Hikind backs goes on to lose the Jewish vote. Hikind’s choices – Ken Thompson & Bill Thompson both got crushed in Hikind’s 48th Assembly District. Expect DeBlasio to remember the betrayal. Adding insult to injury? Despite his son’s open campaign against him, Greenfield won over his opponent by a larger margin (91% / 9%) thank Hikind did over his (84% / 16%).


The days of influence of Williamburg’s largest chasidic sect have officially come to an end. The chief Zali ally, Assemblyman Vito Lopez, lost big last night. Even more worrisome, their choice for Mayor, Bill Thompson, appears to have been knocked out of the Mayor’s race leaving them with little influence in City Hall.

Ezra Friedlander

While we adore all-around askan Ezra Friedlander, he just made the wrong bid in his choice for mayor. From penning an Op-Ed in support of Ms. Quinn to serving as her senior Jewish adviser, Friedlander is most associated with the Quinn loss. Ezra should of known better the sick bed he was entering, knowing the nature of the Orthodox Jewish community. Nonetheless, Stringer’s win is something Ezra can be proud of.

Anthony Weiner

Yes, he deserved a category all to himself. This is a man who by all accounts should have been the next Mayor of the City of New York. However, his arrogance and hatred of his fellow man did him in. In an embarrassing defeat guaranteeing that he will never run for office again, Weiner came in last among the top-tier candidates with less than 5% of the vote.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

13 Responses

  1. If DeBlasio becomes mayor we are ALL losers. Dinkins ver. 2.0 Remember, he was the most senior advisor to Dinkins. As Bloomberg correctly pointed out, alienating and creating a hostile environment to those who actually create revenue for the city will ultimately hurt those with their hands out. As far as stop & frisk, go ahead. You can frisk me. I have nothing to hide.

  2. nice job Jacob and thank you YW for having him on
    your staff and allowing him to share his thoughts
    in his unique way.
    Jacob………. great job and keep on making those videos

  3. Hynes may be the most important loser, since it involved policy rather than patronage. It also appears to have divided the Jewish community. Whereas the other races were merely over patronage, the District Attorney in Kings County had to do with policies and attitudes – meaning the election may cause changes that are more important than whose son gets a soft summer job or which street gets cleaned.

  4. You obviously have an ax to grind with Dov Hikind if you call him a loser. He went against the frum establishment and endorsed ken Thompson and because of Dov’s endorsement 25% of the frum voted for ken Thompson who would never had if not for him and that’s what put him over the top. And greenfield lost big time by brandishing our new district attorney an anti-Semite!

  5. YWN, it’s time you stop putting up biased one-sided editorials.
    Where is the 5,000 block vote from the so called “aronite” faction if Bill Deblasio only got 3,300 votes in the jewish district in williamsburg??
    Oh, and I see YWN conveniently chose to ingore the councilman Stephen Levin’s landslide victory of 75% of the votes in the 33rd district in williamsburg. Please report accurately. thanks.

  6. Greenfield is not a winner, he’s a loser. He backed Hynes moreso than he backed other council candidates.

    “Remember the bad old days?”

  7. #6: Greenfield is a winner since 75% of frum people voted for Hynes. The fact that the African-Americans voted for Thompson and gave him a victory as they outnumber the Jews is meaningless as far as Greenfield influencing the Jewish vote.

  8. Chaim Deutsch is a real winner since he took a chance running in a “Russian” district where he was a longshot. The old district of Nelson would have been an easy win for Deutsch, but this victory was a very pleasant surprise.

    The real winners citywide in this election were all the media that sold ads and the people behind the non stop robo calls.

  9. How do you credit Ezra Friedlander for Stringer’s win. Stringer won because he took Manhattan and none of us who voted for him in Manhattan knew anything about Friedlander?
    Sounds like a shill for him.

  10. I’d say the Rockland Jewish community WON. More than a few Rockland residents would join me in saying good riddance to unethical and corrupt lawmakers. Regarding Preserve Ramapo, if adherence to the local laws, absence of favoritism, and preserving good, working ties between diverse communities are ant-frum traits, let’s have more “anti-frummies” in office!

  11. You all sound like we are the only ones voting out there. There are so many outside the Jewish community that vote as well. Take it easy!

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