Machon HaMikdash & Manhigut Yehudit Arrange Har Habayis Tours

___ ____The Machon HaMikdash together with Manhigut Yehudit has invited incoming Sukkos tourists from around the world on a Temple Experience reminiscent of the ancient Aliyah L’Regel.


The half-day program will begin with a Halachic tour of Har Habayis, followed by a tour of the brand new Temple Institute Visitors Center which is home to some of the 60 sacred vessels that Machon HaMikdash has recreated for use in the Third Beis HaMikdash.  The tours will be led by Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of the machon and a foremost English-speaking authority on the Beis HaMikdash. Following the tour, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin MK, will address the group on the importance of Jewish sovereignty and prayer on Har Habayis.

Har Habayit

“We invite all those that have come to spend Sukkos in Yerushalayim to join us on a unique Temple Experience. The Machon HaMikdash has worked tirelessly for almost three decades to prepare for the Third Beis HaMikdash and we have accomplished a great deal in moving closer to the rebuilding of the Third Beis HaMikdash.”


He added: “The Har Habayis is the holiest site on earth and Jews are commanded to be seen there, three times a year, on Sukkos, Pesach, and Shavuos. By visiting Har Habayis in accordance with Halacha, we show Hashem that we are serious in our longing for the Beit HaMikdash.”


Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin MK blessed the initiative saying:

“It is my great honor to team with The Temple Institute for this Sukkos experience. I look forward to personally greeting all the participants and sharing the joyous holiday in the way the Torah commands.”


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


7 Responses

  1. YW Editor
    In my humble opinion, this story does not belong on Yeshiva World.
    Since the Ramban came to Eretz Yisroel in 1269, ALL Gedolim across the board have agreed that it in ASUR to ascend to Har HaBayis. Although in theory there may be places which are not prohibited to go to, the UNANIMOUS psak of all gedolim was Mishum Lo Plug.
    The story on the website where many halacha following Jews use as their primary news source as well as the picture of people who appear Chareidi touring Har HaBayis gives the impression that there are reputable poskim who permit it.
    please consider taking down the story
    Gmar Chasima Tova

  2. Before you all freak out, they don’t take people beyond the מקום העזרה, and טבולי יום of זיבה are מעיקר הדין allowed to go where they are taking their visitors. they are not going near מחנה שכינה/איסור טמאי מתים.
    Just a thought before you spill you beans on them.

  3. You are all so cute.
    Yitzchok – lets find something the Gedolim where ever unanimous about.
    DafYomi – Thank God we have Halacha books. Go look up if everyone holds you need a Parah Aduma…
    YWN – normally you put up a disclaimer in all Har HaBayit related posts – maybe that’s a good idea here too?

  4. I was just going to respond but Nahapochu did it first, to all Amratzim responding, please learn all Halochos regarding where a Tumei Meis can go, and then learn how the Rabbonim responded regarding this issue.
    It is definitely not recommended to go, but if a responsible group that prepares properly. It is muttar.
    The Minchas Yitzchok and Tizt Eliazer both out of fear of not preparing properly did not like the idea.

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