The Novaminsker zatzal: An Appreciation

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

Nafla Ateres Rosheinu!  What a grave, grave, shock. We are all yesomim now – all of Klal Yisroel. The levaya was at 10 AM levaya – where Tehillim were recited.

Rav Yaakov Perlow zt”l, the Novaminsker Rebbe and Rosh Agudas Yisroel of America has passed away at the age of 89, a victim of the COVID-19 pandemic, r”l.

The Novaminsker was a remarkable Talmid Chochom and an extraordinary pike’ach (clever person), whose wise leadership was tapped by by Agudath Israel of America to be its head since 1998. This was a few months after Reb Moshe Sherer had passed away. He was the Rosh Yeshiva of the Novaminsker Yeshiva in Boro Park since he established it in 1981.

Every Shabbos morning he gave a shiur in the Ohr HaChaim on the parsha at his Yeshiva on 16th Avenue and 48th Street- a shiur that was well-attended and one in which he could impart his hashkafos to the attendees.  This author attended that shiur throughout the eighties and nineties.  After the shiur once, I had asked him about a strongly worded hashkafic letter that he had written responding to a college professor’s inquiry about something he had said.  The letter was an inspiring and robust defense of the concept of “dakei dakos” – that anytime we speak of the avos and others in tanach, any aveirah is one that is infinitesimal from our perspective.  He was somewhat disturbed that the letter had gotten out to others.

He would quote his illustrious forebear, the Kotzker as saying, “One must endeavor in Yetzias Mitzrayim with the very same effort that one works to understand Shas and a tosfos.”

The Novaminsker would explain the nature of the Mitzvah of sippur yetzias mitzraim and the statement of Chazal in the words, “Vechol hamarbeh lesaper b’yetzias mitzrayim – harei zeh meshubach – the more one continues to discuss the exodus from Mitzrayim – the more praiseworthy he is.”  He said that had Hashem not taken us out during that time – we would have sunk to the 50th level of tumah and have remained there forever.  The Mitzvah is an expression of Hakaras HaTov -gratitude – and to the concept of gratitude – there is no limit.  It must be expressed out loud and with great length and genuineness.

The Rishonim established the simanim of the seder at the very beginning – kadaish urchatz karpas yachatz.. Rav Perlow would quote his grandfather’s explanation of this that Klal Yisroel is likened to a lost sheep, and an avaidah is only returned to its owner – with simanim.  Hence, we will be returned to Hashem with simanim.

Why do we wear a kittel on the night of the seder?  Although he quoted all the standard reasons – he had his own answer as well.  The Gemorah tells us that eating Matzah on Erev Pesach is likened to someone who jumps the gun, so to speak, while still engaged.  He explained that the Kittel is also worn to indicate that the night of Pesach is like the night of the wedding which is in contrast to Erev Pesach.

Kol dichvin yesei veyeichal – all the poor who need should come.  “Why is Matzah associated with tzedakah?  Why is the tzedakah of Pesach called ‘Kimcha d’pischa?” the Novaminsker would ask.  He answered, “Because Hashem did tzedakah with us – in bringing us out of the shibud mitzrayim earlier than it was destined.”

Rav Perlow zt”l used to explain that the reason why dance at Kiddush Levana is because it represents the very first Mitzvah, and the rise of Klal Yisroel as a nation, and our marriage to Hashem yisboroch.  Klal Yisroel is likened to the moon as it rises to its fullness.  We dance to celebrate our future redemption and closeness to Avinu sh’bashamayim.

The Rebbe once asked how come we don’t count two different days of Sefirah like we observe two days Yom Tov in chutz la’aretz – on account of Sfeika d’Yoma?  He explained that the reason why Shavuos is still two days even though we already know from the end of Rosh Chodesh Nissan the true date is because of not to make a distinction between each holiday.  Since, for the majority of the Sefirah we already know the date – then we keep it for one day.

The Novominsker was passionate about issues that affected Klal Yisroel.  A few years ago, someone had made a statement minimizing the amount of victims of the holocaust.  He responded passionately with the following statement:

“I condemn in the strongest terms possible the outrageous claim that fewer than a million halachic Jews were killed in the Holocaust. This claim is demonstrably false, profoundly offensive and extremely hurtful. It is an affront to the Six Million Kedoshim, precious, holy, Jewish souls whose lives were snuffed out by the sonei Yisroel. Minimizing the degree of the terrible destruction of Churban Europa, in a most morally irresponsible manner, does a grave disservice to truth, and only gives enemies of Klal Yisrael ammunition for their lies.”

At an earlier time, I had once asked the Novominsker a shailah concerning an offer of the president of Iran to engage with the American Jewish community in an Orthodox shul in New York.  The terms were that the film crew and discussion would be controlled by Torah observant Jews.  The Novaminsker became angry at the thought of it – saying, “How could one possibly consider this, with a rasha who daily threatens to bomb Eretz Yisroel!”  After that, the point was moot.

The Rebbe was born in Brooklyn, New York, and was the son of Rav Nochum Mordechai Perlow zt”l, the previous Novominsker Rebbe, and Rebbetzin Beila Rochma, née Morgenstern. The rebbe was named after his great-grandfather, Rav Yaakov Perlow, the first Novominsker Rebbe. On his mother’s side he was a descendant of the famed Rav Menachem Mendel of Kotzk and shared his well-known sense of humor.

The rebbe’s father had passed away in 1976.  His wife had passed away a few years ago.

The rebbe was a close Talmid of Rav Hutner zt”l at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn. On the 19th of Av, 1948, Rav Hutner zt”l wrote Rav Perlow, his explanation as to why the author of the Mesilas Yesharim began his sefer with zehirus – when Rav Pinchas Ben Yair began with Torah mevi’ah lidei zhirus. He explained that Torah is different in the sense that life can offer wealth – but life is still the ultimate level. The content of the letter was later published in a maamar on Shavuos in Pachad Yitzchok.

One could see his Rebbe’s influence on him in that he would often quote Maharals – just like Rav Hutner used to do. The Novaminsker would also cite Sefornos and the mussar aspects of the Ohr HaChaim’s peirush in his shiurim – in the same manner that reflected the Slabodka influence on Rav Hutner zt”l.  Later, Rav Perlow studied in BMG in Lakewood, NJ. Rav Perlow was the author of the 6 volume series called “Eidas Yaakov” on Shas and the holidays.  Later he became a Rosh Yeshiva under HaRav Aharon Soloveitchik in Chicago and became enamored with the Torah of Brisk.  His Rebbeim were life-long influences upon him and he would quote them and their Rebbeim before them.  After that he was also Rosh Yeshiva of the Beis Hamedrash of Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch in Washington Heights.  He would give a parsha shiur every Thursday night there for many years.

The idea of Chilul Hashem bothered him to the core.  Once, at the Agudah Convention, he spoke out strongly against a group of people that he felt was causing Chilul Hashem in their almost daily activities.  He also came out against those that supported them.

Rav Perlow was the father-in-law of Rav Elisha Horowitz, a Rav in Lawrence, New York.  One of the Novaminsker’s close friends was Reb Moshe Sukenik z”l from Kew Gardens, NY.

The Novaminsker spent much time trying to make shalom between those that were in machlokes.  This was whether it was between baal habatim or matters of shalom bayis, or even matters between Rabbonim.

Kiruv was a matter that was close to his heart.  He served as the head of Torah uMesorah and strongly supported those at the front lines of Chinuch and Kiruv.  People constantly consulted him on all such matters.  They also sought his bracha and advice on all matters in life.

Once he advised a young lady who was visiting him about a tzarah that she was experiencing.  It was the same year that his Rebbitzen had passed away.  He advised her about always accepting Hashem’s plan.  The Rebbe told her, “What should I tell you? I also davened and davened for the Rebbetzin. But it wasn’t Hashem’s plan. We need to accept what Hashem does.”  This young woman continues to embrace all of the Novaminsker’s sagely advice to her as a source of continued inspiration in life.

The Rebbe passed away in his home at 3:00 AM early Tuesday morning on the 13th of Nissan.  Hatzolah volunteers did their best to revive him, but were unsuccessful.  May he be a meilitz Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

The author can be reached at [email protected].


One Response

  1. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.

    From his place in Gan Eden, Moreinu VeRabeinu ZT”L should be a Meilitz Yosher for Klal Yisrael. His Tfilos should bring us the Geulah Shleimah and the Bais HaMikdash HaShlishi BV”A:

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