Statement Of Chizuk From The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah

Beloved brothers and precious friends, may Hashem bless you all with long lives!

When the entire Jewish nation stands in an unprecedented situation of dread, when we are at a loss as to how to prepare for the upcoming holy Yom Tov of Pesach and to fulfill the requirement of “In each generation one must envision oneself as if he went out of Mitzrayim” at a time when the situation is so hard, confusing, and painful.

The state of our fellow Jews weighs heavily upon us. Whether it is those who have passed away, and their mourning families; those who are ill, in need of Heavenly mercy for their recovery; those who are enduring economic hardship in this global economic crisis; or our brothers and sisters who will be in quarantine, alone, this Pesach. We must all follow in the footsteps of Avrohom Avinu to do them kindness and to help them. We are exceedingly grateful to all who are giving of themselves to take care of the needs of their brethren – may Hashem’s blessings rest upon them.

Beloved brothers – it is specifically at this time, specifically now, that we have the obligation to strengthen in unity, like one person with one heart, to declare with conviction to ourselves that we are going out now, like we do each generation, from the servitude of Mitzrayim to everlasting freedom. Freedom of the spirit – to learn Torah and perform mitzvos; freedom to honor Hashem and to do kindness to others – the entire purpose of our life; freedom to know and fear Hashem – the hallmark and hope of all creation. It is the service of the soul that needs to be strengthened now, to increase prayer, Torah learning, and charity, to have strong faith in the imminent salvation of Hashem, and to fulfill the message of the verse עם זו יצרתי לי תהלתי יספרו, “This nation I have created so that they may relate My praise” (Yeshayah 43:21).

It is obvious that every person is obligated to obey the instructions of the government and medical professionals. Jewish families must be exceedingly careful not to err in issues which could endanger people, Heaven forbid.

May the Holy One, Blessed be He, compassionately bestow upon us support, kindness, and mercy; may He end our distress and deliver us and all of the Jewish people from this plague; and may He listen with favor to the song of Hallel and the telling of the Haggadah, and accept our mitzvos with love; and may we merit to celebrate Pesach in Yerushalaim, where we will be able to thank Hashem for our redemption of body and soul, Amein.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

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