AIPAC’s Big Gamble on the Syrian Attack Issue

aipac.jpgAIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) has been using its formidable political clout to lobby the White House in favor of a US military operation against Syria, Walla News’ Amir Tivon reports. Therefore, if congress falls short of approving the military strike, President Barak Obama’s image will be sorely compromised, but the damage will not be limited to the second term president. Tivon explains AIPAC will sustain considerable damage and the pro-Israel lobby’s influence on Capitol Hill will be significantly compromised if the congressional vote turns sour since “AIPAC does not lose votes like this one”.


Tivon concludes that US Secretary of State has been coming down impressively hard on EU nations supporting the recent boycott decision  that compels marking imports originating in areas over the Green Line.


The move is noteworthy as to date; the US reaction regarding the EU decision has been lukewarm at best. Tivon reports Kerry had harsh words for the EU move, begging the question if the chain of events is connected to the lack of EU support for an American-led offensive against Syria, or perhaps, just coincidence.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Stupid idea. If they target Assad’s regime than Al Qada will come to power. At least with Assad there has been a cold cold cold peace

  2. Seems like aipac has what to lose on this vote but it’s not so clear what they have to gain. If America does attack it could very easily drag Israel into a major war with both Assad and Hezbollah that we don’t feel like getting involved in. I suppose the aipac Jews in America know what’s good for us here in israel better than we do ourselves. Thanks for yet again taking the liberty of speaking for a country you don’t want to live in yourselves but sure like to dictate how things should go around here… It may be aipac’s reputation at stake but for us it’s our lives

  3. The second sentence of this article reads: “Therefore, if congress falls short of approving the military strike, President Barak Obama’s image will be sorely compromised, but the damage will not be limited to the second term president.” That conclusory statement is utterly without any factual foundation, nor any obvious logic.

    If Congress fails to support a presidential proposal, that may reflect the poor judgment of Congress, the poor quality of the president’s proposal, or 999 other possibilities. Try thinking before typing.

    And, speaking of thinking before typing: the first sentence says AIPAC has urged the US to commence military action “against Syria.” All of Syria? The Assad regime? The Free Syrian Army? The Al-Qaida Syrians? I hope AIPAC was not as sloppy in its lobbying as the YWN Jerusalem desk is in reporting.

  4. Why are we meddling in this very murky and emotional issue? Have these jewish leaders gone mad?

    If these fools had any widom at all, they would keep their collective mouths shut!

    As King Solomon advises in Mishle (Proverbs), “Machzik BeOznei Kelec, Misaber Al Riv Lo-Lo.–He who intrudes on a fight that is not his is likened to a man who picks up a heavy, wild dog by the ears–He can’t keep on holding him, but he can’t put him down either. He’s stuck!

  5. AIPAC knows what it is doing! If Assad discovers that he can get away with gassing his civilians, Israeli citizens will be next (probably not directly by Assad but through his surrogates Hezbollah).

  6. AIPAC is making a mistake by providing a means to blame Jews for any attack. We can’t trust Obama’s motivations for anything. He is no friend of ours.

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