Ichud Hatzalah/Leumit HMO Yom Kippur Halacha Hotline

Ichud Yom Kippur beis din hotlineIn cooperation with the Leumit HMO, Ichud Hatzalah has established a Yom Kippur hotline telephone to permit residents to ask Halachic questions to the panel of rabbonim.

The rabbonim are affiliated with the beis medrash of HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita, and they will address inquiries pertaining to Yom Kippur along with physicians who will be part of the panel.

The question hotline will operate on 7 and 8 Tishrei (11 & 12 September) from 19:00-22:00.

The number to call is 0722-722-350.

On Wednesday, callers in different languages other than Hebrew may take advantage of the service as well as follows:

English (19:00-20:00)

French (20:00-21:00)

Spanish (21:00-22:00)


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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