Jerusalem Gets Iron Dome Protection

SAM_0143The IDF Spokesman’s Office on Sunday, 4 Tishrei 5774 permitted announcing the placement of an Iron Dome rocket defense system in the Jerusalem area to give the capital an added layer of protection against incoming rockets.

As the White House has turned to congress seeking approval for a military offensive against Syria, the IDF last week announced it was dismantling the Iron Dome placed in the Gush Dan area. Senior defense establishment officials continue releasing messages of calm, instructing Israelis not to cancel any holiday plans. However, the placement of the Iron Dome in the Jerusalem area cannot be viewed as coincidental.

For Israel, it is a waiting game for now, a situation that has led many Israelis to the realization that if chas v’sholom the need to act against Iran becomes an immediate reality, Israel cannot rely on anyone other than itself and HKBH. Sadly, based on Rosh Hashanah messages released by the nation’s leaders, they are only relying on the might of the IDF, failing to mention our constant need for Siyata Dishmaya for our daily sustenance and survival.

The American leadership appears unwilling to go it alone as President Barak Obama badly seeks approval. Once it became apparent that Russia and China were not about to support such a move in the UN Security Council, followed by the British parliament voting down UK involvement in an offensive, the White House began stuttering and has decided to place a military offensive against Damascus in the hands of congress.

It is now clear that his many statements warning Syria of crossing red lines has boxed President Obama into a corner he now seeks to emerge from, albeit with his pride intact.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Moshe Mizrachi, Chadashot 24)

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