Kenos Chizuk for Bnei Torah Inducted into the IDF

imagesThe issue of ongoing efforts to draft bnei yeshivos into the IDF is not off the chareidi agenda. Today, Monday, 5 Tishrei 5773 a kenos chizuk is taking place for the parents of talmidim who received draft notices. The event will be hosted in the Heichal Malchus Hall in Bnei Brak.

Rabbonim are expected to address the tzibur at large, especially those parents whose sons have been called to serve in the IDF. The rabbonim and askanim will explain to parents what steps have been taken and will be taken towards resolving the situation.

The ezras noshim of the hall will be open for the event as well.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Baruch Hashem the time has come where Bnei Torah can be moser nefesh for the Torah HaKedosha and happily march into prisons across the zionist state rather than close their Gemoras!

  2. The headline said “inducted” and the article said “received induction notices.” Which is it? One option discussed is draft resistance (refusing to be inducted) which is civil disobedience and is a highly political move that is considered resistance to the state (in many contries, but not the USA, is considered treason).

    “Hizuk” for inductees implies assistance to religious soldiers who are attempting to stay frum in the army, which involves entirely different issues (the army wants its soldiers to be no more religious than the average Dati Leumi which means there will be issues with Bnei Torah following a more traditional level of observance) – but it isn’t a as politically charged an issue.

  3. #1 Even those who are not ready to be moser nefesh and make a Kiddush Hashem by marching into prison instead of joining such an army will end up in a military prison anyhow while they’re in the army as more likely than not they will not be able to abide by the anti – Torah directives of their secular superiors.

  4. Why do I always end up more confused when reading these YWN articles? What is going on? Is this for those who were “inducted” — i.e. are currently in the army? Or is this for those who have received notices and are trying to figure out how to respond?

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