Israel: Philanthropists Fight Back Against Harsh Economic Policies

ponRealizing the difficult plight of many avreichim and larger families, a number of major donors have combined forces to implement a program that permits purchasing many basic items for the symbolic price of 1 NIS. This includes a dozen eggs, 250 gram packages of hard cheese, a loaf of bread, and more. The special deals are available in a number of areas around Eretz Yisrael and avreichim in kollel are eligible to take advantage of the generous offers.

An avreich will buy the special subsidized basket for 11 NIS, and this will give him two loaves of bread, 2 liters of milk, 4 lebens, two 250 gram cottage cheeses, and 12 eggs. Avreichim learning an hour in morning seder will be entitled to receive a voucher to take part in the deal. The items listed above sold at regular price amount to close to 70 NIS.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. ” …. of milk, 4 lebens, two 250 gram cottage cheeses, and 12 eggs… “.

    Anything is more respectful than getting a normal job.

    Zi Torah, Vzi Schoroh ?

  2. #1 Yes, zi torah vezi schoroh. Do we have a choice if there’s no way to get a normal job without 3 years of military service? Gedolei Yisrael understand that anything is better than chas veshalom joining an army where sadly more than 35% come out as Jewish Goyim.

  3. Hashem has many messengers , if the medina doesn’t want to be it, hashem will send someone else . the same day my child allowance got cut by 400 nis , i got a gift of 500 nis from a different source . ein od milvado

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