Many Israelis Arrived Late to Work Due to Cellular Bug

iphThe bug in many Israeli smartphones, the result of the Knesset voting to change the start of standard time this year, resulted in many Israelis arriving late to work on Sunday, 4 Tishrei 5774.

It appears that during the two months since the Knesset passed the new date into law, the cellular telephone providers did not find the time to release a fix patch that would correct the preset time in the telephone’s operating software. As a result, many or most smartphones in Israel changed over to standard time during the night of motzei Shabbos but in actuality, the nation is still on daylight savings time. As such, many people missed minyan and were late to work on Sunday morning.

The problem is the operating system determines the date of the changeover and does so automatically based on the phone’s region, in the case of Israel, GMT +2. The delay in moving to standard time compels Israelis to go into phone settings and uncheck “set time automatically” which is done based on location, and manually select Athens, which is GMT +3.

Once Israel changes to standard time, phone owners can opt to select automatic time selection again. One assumes this will be fixed by the changeover from standard time to DST.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. considering the fact that the greeks tried to persecute us, now that even hareidim are using their time, they seem to have won the battle.

  2. I can’t wait until next motzi shabbos when we read about the tens of thousands of chareidim who show up late for davening on Yom Kippur because their Iphones thought that they were back on standard heimeshe time

  3. Can’t wait for after Yom Kippur when those 2-mitzvot-in-the-Torah doers – that of fasting on Yom Kippur (and standing like fools on Yom Hatzamot) – complain about the extra hour fasting.

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