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Givat Ze’ev Shul & Kollel to be Razed

dozerA court decision from Monday, 27 Elul 5773 will result in the demolition of a shul and kollel in Givat Ze’ev. The court ruled the buildings were constructed on private Arab land that belongs to the nearby community of el-Jib. The demolition of the buildings must be carried out by March 1, 2014.

The court reviewed the paperwork seeking to prove the validity of the sale, but determined the sale was not valid and the papers were fraudulent. The demolition order refers to the Ayelet HaShachar Shul. The construction of that building got underway in 1998. A second building, constructed in 2008 and used as a kollel for baalei teshuvah, must also be razed.

The villager who owns the land turned to the Yesh Din organization, which took the case to court in 2008, Haaretz reports.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Even in the HolyLand, ownership of land must be verified before taking possession and building. Just check if the ARABS are really the true owners and not another Yesh Din farce.

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