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3 Democrat Teaneck Council Members Endorse Governor Christie

chrisAdding to the broad support he has received from diverse communities across New Jersey in his campaign for reelection, Governor Christie today was endorsed by three Democrat members of the Teaneck Town Council, Councilman Yitz Stern, Councilman Elie Katz, and Councilman Mark Schwartz. The endorsements bring the total number of elected Democrats supporting the Governor’s reelection to 48.

The endorsements from the Teaneck council members lead a bipartisan, statewide coalition of support from New Jersey’s Jewish Community, with the Governor’s announcement today of the Jewish Leaders for Christie coalition.

“Governor Christie has shown tremendous leadership since taking office and a sincere willingness to talk openly and candidly about issues of great importance to members of the state’s Jewish community. One of the strongest signs of that commitment and understanding was our Governor’s visit to Israel two years ago, where he displayed his strong support for the State of Israel and strengthened cultural and economic ties,” said Teaneck Councilman Yitz Stern. “Today I am truly honored to stand here with my fellow councilmembers, Elie Katz and Mark Schwartz, to cross the aisle and express our support for and endorsement of Governor Christie in this campaign. We acknowledge that we may not agree on every issue, but New Jersey is a vastly better place today because of the leadership and accomplishments of Governor Christie over the past three and a half years.”

Teaneck was carried by President Obama in the 2012 presidential election by forty-five percentage points and was carried by former Governor Jon Corzine in the 2009 gubernatorial election by forty-eight percentage points. Teaneck is also home to former Governor Jon Corzine’s 2009 Lieutenant Governor nominee and running mate, State Senator Loretta Weinberg.

“Earning the support of Councilman Stern, Councilman Katz, Councilman Schwartz, and of so many leaders from New Jersey’s Jewish community represents not only a great moment for our campaign, but in my time as governor. Our work together has been extensive, including visiting Israel with business and Jewish community leaders from New Jersey. That trip allowed us to make progress for New Jersey by strengthening ties with our sister state, promoting trade and economic growth, and paying respect to the culture with which our state shares so much,” said Governor Christie. “The vast diversity of our state is a source of immense strength for New Jersey, and the support we’ve received from so many different communities is a source of great pride and affirmation for me. I thank the council members and the dozens of leaders from around the state for their support in this campaign and I am eager to continue our work together.”

In March, Governor Christie received the unanimous endorsement of the Igud and Vaad, two influential community-based Lakewood organizations made up of rabbis, businessmen, educational and local leaders, along with Mayor Albert Akerman. The early, unified endorsement placed prominent members of Lakewood’s Jewish community behind Governor Christie and his reelection in November.

The Jewish Leaders for Christie coalition, a bipartisan group of leaders from across the state and throughout the Jewish community, is led by a statewide leadership team and coordinators in all 21 counties.

Statewide Leadership Team
Assemblyman Jon Bramnick
Assemblywoman Amy Handlin
Teaneck Councilman Elie Katz
Mark Levenson
Toby Shylit Mack
Alex Markowits
Zeev Rubenstein
Sammy Saka
Teaneck Councilman Mark Schwartz
Assemblywoman Donna Simon
Senator Robert Singer
Teaneck Councilman Yitz Stern
Jerry Zaro

County Leadership
Atlantic County Chair: Whitman Ullman
Bergen County Co-Chair: Barbara Hoffman
Bergen County Co-Chair: Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner
Burlington County Chair: Steve Solomon
Camden County Chair: Caren Sokolow
Cape May County Chair: Councilman Mike Benson
Cumberland County Co-Chair: Alex Drobny
Cumberland County Co-Chair: Stephen Plevins
Essex County Chair: Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler
Gloucester County Chair: Phyllis Martin
Hudson County Chair: Michelle Levine
Hunterdon County Chair: Gary Shangold
Mercer County Chair: Councilwoman Sheree McGowan
Middlesex County Co-Chair: Rabbi Mendy Carlebach
Middlesex County Co-Chair: David Rosenthal
Monmouth County Chair: Mayor Susan Cohen
Morris County Chair: Howard Chesler
Ocean County Chair: Committeeman Steven Langert
Passaic County Chair: Rabbi Bob Mark
Salem County Chair: Micky Ostrum
Somerset County Chair: Mayor Brian Levine
Sussex County Co-Chair: Jay Ziegler
Sussex County Co-Chair: Jason Apter
Union County Chair: Harold Poltrock
Warren County Chair: Joe Werner

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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