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Israeli Fighter Intercepted a Small Plane

sAir investigators announced on Monday, 27 Elul 5773 that on June 7, 2013, an Israel Air Force fighter plane intercepted a small aircraft that encroached on prohibited airspace.

The ‘super drifter’ plane was operated by a civilian pilot and at about 08:00, took off from Ein Vered for a flight in the Sharon region. About an hour into the flight the plane was detected in prohibited southern Sharon region airspace. The pilot failed to respond to radio contact while it climbed to the forbidden altitude of 2000 feet.

Two fighter planes were scrambled and they signaled the pilot to land in Ein Vered. It was then learned the flight did not receive proper authorization prior to takeoff apparently due to the fact the pilot was also unaware of a change in the operating radio frequency.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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