Bill Thompson Visits Prominent Hasidic Rabbis In Williamsburg and Boro Park

thompson munkatchWith 8 days to go till election day, Democratic mayoral candidate Bill Thompson made the round, once again, in the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn. As the Orthodox Jewish vote is starting to play a major role in this year’s competitive race, Mr. Thompson visited, Monday night, prominent Rabbis of different Hasidic sects to receive a blessing and discuss the issues that matter most to the community.

Accompanied by Williamsburg community leaders, Mr. Thompson paid a visit to the home of the Viener Ruv who started the meeting by saying, “We need a good mayor.” The candidate also visited the Pupa Rebbe and the Satmar Rebbe (R’ Zalmen), who represent two communities with a substantial amount of Households in the neighborhood of Williamsburg.

The visits at Satmar and Pupa were held behind closed doors.

At a stop in Borough Park, Mr. Thompson visited the Munkatcher Rebbe.. The Rebbe of Munkatch is one of the prominent and respected leaders in the Hasidic community. The two discussed the practice of Metzitzah B’Peh in length, with the Rebbe pleading to leave the traditional ritual go on.

“The Jewish law forces us to reckon with any health danger. This became the number one, number ten and number thousand’ issue for the community,” the Rebbe said. “You stand with us on this issue and G-d will stand with you.”

(Jacob Kornbluh)

6 Responses

  1. MBP and Toyeva Marriage are diversions from real issues facing our kehilla that will never be addressed at the behest of our manhigim who are greasing the politicians for their own benefit.

  2. A majority of the Yeshivish velt, non-chasidim, do Metzitza B’Peh. It is a vital issue for all of Klal Yisroel.

    B”H that the Viener Ruv, who is Oberlander not Chasidic, and the other Gedolei Rabbonim shlit”a are fighting this issue on our behalf.

  3. @Zalman

    Being a by-product of the Viener Yeshiva I can tell you 2 things:
    A) The Viner Ruv isn’t Oberlander, he his a Satmer Chassid. The Ruv is just a Ruv of the Kehillah which came from Oberland.
    B) I don’t know if you checked out Vien latley but Vien today is more chasiddish then not.
    I’ve met him on many occasions and can attest that he is a holy man.

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