Israel’s Population 8.081 Million as 5773 Comes to an End

kosThe Central Bureau of Statistics reports that at the end of 5773, Israel’s population has climbed to 8.081 million people. The Jewish population makes up 75.1% of the country. The Arab population accounts for 20.7% and the remainder (non-Arab Christians and other religions, or atheists) 4.2%.

The population has grown by 142,000 since Rosh Hashanah 5773. 163,000 babies were born during the year and about 40,000 people were niftar.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. However the 75% “Jewish” includes persons of Jewish descent but who are not Jews accordingly to halacha, since to be Jewish for these purposes the Israeli only require at least one Jewish grandparent (similar to Hitler). It also doesn’t reflect that many of those who are halachically Jews, are totally assimilated into western culture and are quite anti-Torah.

    Based on the figures in the article, at most 40% of Israeli are Shomer MItsvos Jews, and a third of those are anti-zionist hareidim.

  2. World Jewish population is approx 14 million. That would mean rov of Klal Yisroel is now back in Eretz Yisroel.

    Wondering what impact does this has on varying mitzvos hateluos b’aretz, etc?

  3. #1- Roughly 9-10% of Israelis define themselves as charedi (including Sefardi charedim and some charda”l) and less than 10% of those are affiliated with anti-Zionist groups (essentially, the Eida). So less than 1% of Israelis are anti-Zionist charedim and not 13.3% of Israelis as you ridiculously claim.

    Everyone who reads the comments on YWN is aware of your hope that all charedim will ‘see the light’ and become anti-Zionist, as part of your deeper desire to see the ultimate destruction of the State of Israel, but don’t confuse your perverted dreams with reality.

  4. #3- Ah, but Mr. Lapid and Mr. Bennett are working hard to change those numbers – and in ways they don’t want. There is nothing Neturei Karta could have done to better vindicate their arguments than what Lapid and Bennett are doing. If they go through with the current plans to conscript all yeshiva students (have an interim period in which those with protectsia will be exempted), and to force hareidi schools to switch to a zionist curriculum, and to criminalize gender segregation in any area that the hilonim don’t want genders segregated — ALL hareidim will be anti-zionist.

    And the 10% figure is based on adults of voting age – when kids are included it rises to 15%.

    Frankly, I expect the most hilonim (and especially the religious zionists) will realize that Israel can’t survive without hareidim, and will back off by ending conscription (as most western countries have done), and by tolerating an autonomous hareidim minority.

    That won’t solve the national security problem, which is that there are hundreds of millions of rapidly industrializing Muslims one of whose priorities is to re-assert Islamic control over Eretz Yisrael – and the zionists have no solution to that problem (whereas hareidim could live peacefully with Muslims since hareidim don’t see a “western” state as a goal, or even something desirable).

  5. PloniAlmoni: You misread the article. It says that the entire country is 8.081 million people, and that the Jews are 75.1% of that. In other words, they claim about 6.07 million Jews are in Israel, far fewer than half of the 14 million that you’re looking for.

    But we’re catching up! I had heard the world Jewish population estimated not at 14 million, but 12 million, in which case we might already have hit the halfway mark!

  6. There are roughly 6 million Jews in Israel, which is still less than half of the 14 million Jews alive today. But B”H the joyous day when ‘rov am yisrael beartzo’ is nearly within sight.

    Yes, it will certainly raise issues regarding mitzvot hatluyot baaretz including the cause célèbre of the end of the heter mechirah on shmitah, which is predicated on the halachah that until the day when ‘rov am yisrael beartzo’ shmitah is miderabanan. But these are happy issues and may we all live to experience them.

  7. I know that apukerma’s comments are usually delusional but I still marvel at his stubborn belief that Moslems -and Arabs- will treat the jews well, as long as they don’t have a medinah (see his present comments). That view is so dangerous that it must be fought every time he writes such drivel. Last time I looked, over a hundred thousands Arabs have been killed by their own government -see Syria- and, of course, this has happened in every arab country- see Iraq, Iran, Egypt,Lebanon, Algeria,etc.
    To believe-as apukerma puts on his blinders- that Jews wil “be able to live peacefully ” with bloodthirsty Arabs, is the epitome of “narishkeit”.

  8. #2, I wish it were 14 Million globally. I can’t remember which month, but an issue of the OU magazine places that number closer to 11 million. What are some reasons that we actually lost Jews since the exit of the Nazi Regime? 50+% intermarriage rate, hard to calculate figures when Jews are living in Mobile, AL and not associating with any domination of Judiasm. The figure is difficult to compute.

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