20,000 Mispallalim Leaving Israel for Uman

umaiBeginning on Sunday, 26 Elul 5773 until erev Rosh Hashanah 5774, 20,000 mispallalim will be making their way from Eretz Yisrael to Uman on 115 flights to spend Rosh Hashanah at the tziyun of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov ZT”L ZY”A.

The busiest day will be Monday, 27 Elul, with 7,585 travelers scheduled to depart from Ben-Gurion International Airport on 47 flights. 4,397 passengers were scheduled to depart on Sunday on 27 flights.

As in past years, special measures are set in place at the airport, including a special desk for travelers to Uman, ushers to maintain order and accommodations for the many airport minyanim. To facilitate the many passengers the security check for each flight will begin hours before a flight to alleviate the stress before check in. Some of the agencies involved in the pre-Rosh Hashanah Uman operation include the Ben-Gurion Airport Authority, the Ukrainian Embassy in Israel and the airport’s baggage handlers union. Each passenger is permitted one 20kg (45 lbs) suitcase and a 5kg (11 lbs) hand luggage.

Special lines are available as well permitting passengers to check if there is a holding order prohibiting them from leaving the country before waiting for the check-in process. And finally, there are scales available permitting travelers to weigh their suitcase before checking in, once again seeking to avoid tensions during the process.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. What a zchut to pray at the graves of such great tzaddikim. May all their prayers be accepted berachmim uveratzon and may they bring back yeshuot tovot for Klal Yisrael bizchut Rav Nachman zt”l and other holy tzaddikim.

  2. Yup, “mispallalim”……the attractive young lady with the long ponytails in the photo is a poster child for the “na na nachman” groupies making their way to the Breslover version of “Spring Break”. Instead of some shtieblach in Daytona Beach, they’re headed to one of the world’s most anti-Semitic garden spots for several days of what some skeptics might call “partying” Breslov style.

  3. for 2 thousand years Jews dreamed of praying in the holy land. now we can pray in Jerusalem, and at the kotel.

    so why go to Uman? the capital of anti-semitism? because it is a kick and having a great time is more important to the simple masses than actually connecting to HaShem for them.

    We however should remember that Rosh HaShannah is our time to make a chesbon with HaShem, what we did wrong with our avoda and introspect until we can make ammends.

    shana tova l’klal yisroel.

  4. To all the people hurling insults on this message board… how many of you have actually seen what goes on in Uman during Rosh Hashana vs actually just going off hearsay? Odds are that many or most of you will spend the chag in your minyan in eretz Yisrael primarily thinking of just yourself (hopefully your family as well) in your davening without a second’s though to being mamlich Borei Olam on the coronation day of His kingship. I dare you to try just ONE year witnessing the reaction as the chazan call out “HaMelech” in Uman and then honestly ask yourself if you really davened to Hashem and made Him king in your life like you should be doing all the previous years? But I suppose it’s far easier to speak slander about thousands of yirat shemayim yidden from your computer during the last few days of Elul now isn’t it?

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