Maran Rav Shteinman Shlita: Lapid, Yemach Shemo!

shtWhen askanim arrived at the home of HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita on erev Shabbos 17 Elul 5773, they were more than a bit surprised to hear the gadol hador speak out in such a harsh tone – one far from his day-to-day gentle mannerisms.

The askanim painted a bleak picture regarding today’s financial realities, there result of Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s gezeiros against the chareidi tzibur. Rav Shteinman stated no less than three times “יימח שמו” regarding Lapid.

Following his shiur on motzei Shabbos the eve of 26 Elul, Rav Sheinman explained we are experiencing the birth pangs of Moshiach which are similar to labor pains and as the birth draws nearer, the pain becomes increasingly intense. He spoke of the harsh gezeiros that precede Moshiach.

The gadol hador concluded “הקב”ה יעזור שנגיע כבר לגאולה, תכלה שנה וקללותיה” and made yet another harsh reference to Lapid, stating “May Hashem assist so that which the rosha Lapid yemach shemo plans will not come to fruition.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. Goyim, shkotzim, shikses, Amalek, reshoyim, and now this. Moderator***** I really don’t care anymore if you post this or not. Even if one of you in your office sees my post, it’s enough.*** FOR SHAME !
    Change your name from Yeshivaworld to Talibanworld.

  2. #2 For you yiddishkeit and charedim is not something to be proud of but are considered Talibanim just like Lapid ym”sh thinks. If you’re Jewish, shame on you! Maybe if you’ll start eating properly you’ll have a clearer mind to understand Gedolei Yisrael – that is if you’re Jewish.

  3. im sorry i dont believe this happened a gadol measures out his words precisely, and we have a case where a yid had yms after it and was told “you dont say yms” about a yid

  4. @onlyleetuce

    Perhaps in these days of awe during the Yomim Noraim, you should examine your Emunas Chachomim and consequently your Emunah in Hashem. The Torah says “Es Hashem Elokecha Tirah”, Es L’Rabos Talmidei Chachomim. Shame on you!

  5. Coffee addict
    Baruch Hashem Rav Shteinman has daas Torah and his head wasn’t polluted by American “sensitivities” and political correctness. There are times that even a Jew is called “yemach shemo.” I would be very afraid to even think of criticizing the Gadol Hador. If you don’t understand its you who needs to learn through shas and poskim beiyun. He did so already before you were born!

  6. #5:
    Another maamar chazal: “Yiraso kodemes lechochmaso”.
    Probably another smart move by a talmid chocham.
    They probably had you in mind with your name “Yira”.
    The chochma has yet to show up….

  7. We are not the taliban; Lapig is out to destroy Yiddishkeit. If somebody is coming to get you; you get up and get him first. The Rav cursed Lapig he desire it because Rav Steinman is doing that from knowledge not from hatred

  8. Wiy,

    you’re right however this story was with European ravs, secondly I am not criticizing him, I’m just stating I don’t believe he said that (please explain what is wrong with that?)

  9. I did some google searching and found that R’ Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld said it, his rationale is if Yair had a brother and Yair died childless his brother would be mechuyav to do yibum (nowadays can’t do it because of a technicality) and the reason for yibum is L’kayum shmo b’yisrael

  10. Who says Lapid is Jewish? His grandfather was Jewish and a big tzaddik, who says Yair Lapid is Jewish? His mother might very well be a non-Jew like his father.

    Yochanan Plessner, the goy, the initiator of the “share the burden” idea has no understanding nor feeling for Torah and mitzvot, after all he’s a goy what can you expect? Being that Lapid also has no understanding nor feeling for Torah, he surely only has goyish blood. Such a rasha cannot be a Jew.

    We were subordinate to goyim throughout the generation and this hasn’t changed under Zionist rule in Israel.

  11. To #6

    You need your head examined.

    It was a drasha in the Gemorah! You call a drasha of Tanoim and Amoraim a “smart move”?!! What, are you playing catch-up with Lapid himself? Good luck to you.

  12. Countries such as Belgium are starting to cut funding to schools that dont teach core subjects such as math & science. This will affect Christian home schooling as well as Yeshivas. I suspect that all countries including the UK and USA will follow suit in order to make sure that the bulk of their citizens dont turn into welfare recepients. I grew up in Boro Park-most men, even the Talmid Chachums went to work.

  13. I agree with coffee addict. The chazon ish famously corrected someone who said ym”s about ben gurion. He said ben gurion was still a yid, who if he died without children, his wife would “fall” to yibum. That is hakomas sheim, the polar opposite of yemach sheim and thus cannot be said about even the lowest of yidden.

  14. Esav and Lapid have many things in common!
    1)Both have Jewish parants.
    2)Both are into “justice”.
    3)Both have big mouth.
    4)Both have plenty followers.
    5)Both are intenionaly doing Averois.
    6)Both want to eliminate Yakov/Jewish people!

  15. About “imach shmo” one can have a discussion. However, WIY is right on the money that some try to hide their wrong, liberal attitudes towards reshoim behind these type of stories.

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