PHOTO: No Need For Diapers – Get The New ‘Kapparos Basket’ To Hold Your Chicken


What people won’t think of…..

This photo was sent to YWN, and shows the latest item available for this upcoming Yomim Noraim. The item is a paper basket, which your chicken can be placed into while you do Kapparos. It is unknown where these baskets will be available,  but it’s assumed that they will be at the Kapparos centers in Jewish communities.

Some think this is a wonderful idea, while others are disgusted.

We report – you decide.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. If it’s bashert for a person to have some agmat nefesh and suffer a bit zol es ausgein on the goodies the kapparah showers on you. A rainhat/rainbonnet should suffice to save the hundreds (or for some thousands) of dollars on your head. If it goes on your clothing, may it be a kaparah…. gam zu letovah.

  2. You’re not yotzei when using these baskets as the chicken must be directly above your head without any mechitza in between.

  3. Perhaps reconsider the whole idea of using chickens. They are dirty, smelly and shlugging kaporos with a live chicken always raises concerns of tzaar ba’alei chayim. You can be yotzei your kaporos obligation using a fish, a goat or preferably just some silver coins.

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