Thompson Surrogate, Lew Fidler: De Blasio Doesn’t Pass The Test Of Character and Integrity

fidler“I wish New Yorkers knew the Bill de Blasio the way I know Bill de Blasio,” Councilman Lew Fidler said in a conference call to reporters, this morning, on behalf of the campaign of Bill Thompson for mayor. The latest attack on Mr. de Blasio came after new revelations were disclosed about Public Advocate Bill de Blasio’s secret meetings with lobbyists, including Extell Development which De Blasio’s City Planning representative supported 93 percent of the time.

De Blasio said he would go above and beyond in reporting lobbyist contacts. But according to a Daily News review of his schedule, there have been undisclosed meets between 47 lobbyists and the candidate from January 2010 to February 2013, and at least 10 later gave to his campaign.

De Blasio spokesman Wiley Norvell said the meetings went undisclosed because de Blasio requested to meet with the lobbyists, not the other way around. “We continue to set the standard for going above and beyond what any law requires,” he said. He added that many of the meetings had nothing to do with lobbying at all, including de Blasio’s talk with Related lobbyist Jay Kriegel.

“This just adds to setting the standard of flip flopping and deception. Bill de Blasio is cute to a fault. It is so typical of the Bill de Blasio that I know.”

Mr. Fidler also pointed out to Mr. de Blasio standing proud next to a garbage can that he found still having his name on it, during a recent campaign stop in Borough Park. Mr. de Blasio represented a sizable slice of the Boro Park neighborhood as councilman.

“My trash cans are still here!” he exclaimed excitedly after stumbling upon a waste depository bin still brandishing the name of a Council Member Bill de Blasio. “This is evidence. This is a historic memorial of when I represented this part of the district. This is my idea of a great monument.”

“The trash can that Bill de Blasio bought for the people was a member item, not reminding folks that before he was against member items he was for it.”

“He didn’t need to put his name on them. He could of bought another dozen garbage cans with that money. This is a guy who was not only for member items before he was against it, but one who abused member items before he was against them,” Mr. Fiderl added.

“You always know where Bill de Blasio is going to stand if you connect the dots from what’s in his present political interest to the position he’s taking,” Mr. Fidler further charged. “i don’t know who the real Bill de Blasio is, other than somebody who’s all about – electing Bill de Blasio. That is the Bill de Blasio that I know, and i just wish that voters would know the candidates the way i know the candidates, having worked with just about all of them, and understand that character is an issue in this election.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Lew Fidler is the last person who should be the last person ripping Bill De Blasio for his integrity when he himself lost his integrity when he voted to extend term limits when the vote came up in the City Council about four years ago when the voters not once but twice defeated it. I hope that Bill Be Blasio beats Christine Quinn because we do not need someone who is openly Toeiva as Mayor.

  2. Wouldn’t running for public office, especially in New York, seem to prove a lack of character and integrity.

    As in, how much of a mentsch can he be if he wants to to THAT for a living.

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