Gas Mask Crisis: Some Chareidim Feel ‘We No Longer Have Any Rights’

gmaMore than a few chareidim were taken by surprise after waiting on long lines, for hours, seeking to get gas mask protection kits. When many heads of households asked for the mask that accommodates a beard, they were told that while this was available in the past, today, it is not longer being distributed. “You will have to shave” people are told. The pump-assisted hood masks that accommodate beards are only being given to senior citizens and persons with documented medical issues.

The chareidim as asking why this too is viewed as too expensive, insisting the chareidi tzibur is no longer important to the decision makers and the tzibur has lost its rights in the State of Israel.

Others feel such an accusation is unfair, pointing out that when the nation lacks the funds to buy regular masks for the entire nation no one has the right to request special masks that are far more costly when these people can shave. Regarding persons with medical conditions and the elderly, citizens over 73, it appears all are in agreement and they should continue receiving the pump-assisted hood masks.

Among the chareidim who feel they should get a mask, there are many who explain they will not do so for shaving for them is not an option when the government can easily supply masks that permit them to keep their beards and receive protection.

In a related matter, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita is being quoted as saying one does not need the masks which are “for Purim”, but one should increase limud and tefilos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. 1. A close trim that retains a beard should suffice, except for where the mask meets the skin.

    2. If you think that you should not trim or shave your beard to protect yourself under chemical attack you are welcome to purchase the more expensive mask on the free market instead of the basic one supplied by the state. Indeed, more than a few Israelis have invested in additional protective measures that the state is not providing due to budget constraints, such as high-pressure systems etc.

    3. Before you decide that shaving/trimming your beard is yehareg veal yaavor, you might want to consult your rav.

  2. Hmmm… A cursory google search reveals that the standard civilian gas mask issued to Israelis sells for 39.99 retail. The “bardas” hood (the beard friendly mask being given out), sells for 129.99. Even if it were twice the price I would say ok, fine lets go the extra mile. But more than double?? No. You need to make some accommodation in an emergency to save your own life.

  3. I’ve checked on other news sites and haven’t seen anything as reported above. Who’s writing this story? Has it been verified?

  4. this is ridiculous.. if you want to taana that the Zionist Regime hates chareidim well they do… and guess what Chareidim hate them so why should they be accomodating? if you have a special need, go and buy the mask like the Americans all have to do. and if you dont want to live under the tyrannical rule of the evil Zionists!! then move!!!! at least they are providing your children with masks arent they>???

  5. onlylettuce,

    ill explain

    i saw a story on abt obama however that story couldnt be found on any other drive by media website, i wonder why.

  6. Where in the gemara does it say that pikuach nefesh is trumped by beards? I thought it was just murder, idolatry, and forbidden relations.

    I haven’t shaved since 1986 but I’d shave in a second in such a situation.

  7. Judging from the above comments it would appear that they are coming from people living outside of Eretz Yisroel who cannot possibly understand what is truly happening here vis a vis the Chareidi population and the government. Please do not be so quick to judge us until you have been in our shoes.

  8. How about the government supplying the masks to anyone who agreed to pay the difference in price, or even the full price? Or at least directing us to where we can purchase them for the list price, rather than ending up at a black market seller for a higher price?

  9. Obviously, anyone would shave if there were a clear and immediate danger. But if a missile falls in his vicinity, from the time of the siren until he manages to shave could be too late. If he had a mask ready for him he would just put it on. During the gulf war, the sirens went off as soon as a missile was detected going towards the country, but it took several minutes or more before there was an announcement saying which part of the country was hit. Do you think people should shave from the time of the siren and then hear that it struck at the other end of the country. There’s more danger in crossing the street. And by the time the announcement comes it’s too late.

  10. TBK if you believe this is the government “out to get you” or “picking on Charedim” please go see a psychiatrist.

    As people above already pointed out the beard-friendly mask costs more then 3 times as much as the normal mask, it is needed by the elderly and infirm and by emergency services if you want it pay for it but don’t take it away from other people when the budget is anyhow tight.

    Or maybe should kollel funding be cut more to be able to afford fitting all Charedim with the fancier masks? After all the money needs to come from somewhere… Child allowances? Hospital? Military preparedness?

    Just point at the budget you think needs to be cut to enable funding a *chumrah* which is 100% trumped by pikuach nefesh.

    You want to keep a chumrah, you pay for it, not your friend or the government.

  11. coffeeaddict*** I like FoxNews , but it’s a reputable news org. The above article is an orphan however, no source , no proof , just yenta babble to cause resentment from maybe an isolated incident. Maybe.

  12. these people arent charedi , if they were they would listen to rav chaim kanievsky who says you dont need a gas mask. rather they are what i call “morechai’s” – an acronym for modern orthodox charedi. they have all the external trappings of charedi, but inside they have the same outlook as modern orthodox. they might as well shave their beards.

  13. TBK*** WE know what’s going on, we either live there, visit often or are in constant contact with family that does.
    Please, don’t make yourself out to be a nebisch’el or lemmele.Elements of chareidim brought the ire of many in government upon themselves . End of story.

  14. 1-7 Not getting into who is wright or wrong, and not being judgmental of other people including chardim .One must note
    the sense of the inner hate towards chradim these Opinions seem to reveal, All of your opinions could have been written in a nicer language like a yid should be doing. Are we not we before Rosh Hashana ? the day of judgement !! can anybody say he is so perfect ? don’t we ask hashem to look away from our sins? Don’t we want to be judged with racmunis? how can hashem do just that, if we don’t show a little bit of the same we ask for !! why was word chardim mentioned with such a sense of hate ? are they the only ones with beards? I love you all and wish you all the best of best . PS : I hope my feelings I get from the way these opinions were written are incorrect .

  15. The GOI, aka; the Government Of Israel is building a half billion dollar bunker for itself in Jerusalem. It will not be a public shelter but only accessible to a privileged few. Maybe by now the cost is a billion. All of it paid from public money but there is no money for public shelters in the rest of the country or for updated ABC equipment for front-line soldiers. So why is this a surprise?

  16. A word of caution.

    In the gulf war,on that first terrifying night,some people panicked and were the only people beardless the next morning.They did look a little silly.

    We shouldn’t need them IY”H.

  17. Obviously, its no big deal to shave now and grow the beard back after the current threat is lifted. By that time there will be more of the special masks for those with beards. Its no big deal except for those inflexible charedim who cannot think for themselves and insist this is one of those issues (yaaleh v’lo yahorg)where death is prefereable to common sense. If that’s your gig, see you in olam haboh.

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