A 16-year-old secular male on Wednesday evening 22 Elul 5773 assaulted Ashdod Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yosef Sheinin. The rav was driving his vehicle, stopped at a red traffic signal at about 23:30 when the youth opened the door of his car and begin hitting the rav his face.
Witnesses called police and they arrived in time to apprehend the assailant. The rav however informed police that he does not wish to file a complaint. Nevertheless, the youth was taken into custody and remanded on Thursday morning.
Askanim in the city report that of late the atmosphere is turning more anti-chareidi.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
14 Responses
Angry, sad and pained youth who strike out..
As often is the case, there is somthing missing here with regard to what prompted what was presumably an unprovoked attack. While its not out of the question, its unusual for a secular bachur to simply walk up to a car with an obviously frum yid in the driver’s seat and start hitting him. It doesn’t appear to be an attempted carjacking or theft but we don’t know for sure. Also, the rav’s refusal to press charges is also strange if he were truly the victim since by doing so, he turns this assailant loose to attack again.
I’d describe more like, criminal!
Interesting. Chareidim that send women to the back of the bus are termed hooligans, terrorists, etc. Never “Angry, sad and pained”….
I am disgusted by this incident! This youth’s parents must act that way to each other!
#1, Are you serious? you seem to be making excuses for abhorrent behavior.
Probably some bored secular teenagers with nothing to do bein hazmanim, as usual.
#2, Are you suggesting maybe the Rav attacked the poor sad boy at the light? Are you mentally stable?
For all the self-appointed judges, here is a more informative article which may clarify why the Rav did not originally want to press charges or even call the police but later did.
SERIOUSLY?? wow…..
“secular BACHUR”??????
just like bloodthirsty terrorists are “freedom fighters”
lets call a spade a spade, shall we???
Just to clarify the situation. I personally know Rav Sheinin and he is a very soft spoken extremely kind hearted chashuve talmid chochom.
He loves yidden and should never be suspected as having caused the issue.
On a side note: His wife passed away less than 3 weeks ago. She was an amazing person who was at his side all the years he’s been in Rabbanus, an exceptional individual in her own right.
“Chareidim that send women to the back of the bus are termed hooligans, terrorists, etc. Never “Angry, sad and pained”
Never heard of a 16 year old Charedi teen send a women to the back of the bus but he would be a ANGRY, SAD, PAINED hooligan.
If you think this episode where a “secular male” (aka “secular bochur”)who assaulted walked up to an intersection and without provocation assaulted a well-known rav happens all the time, there must be some media conspiracy not to report these events. My point was simple and confirmed by #9 who cites to a more detailed article: the story abstracted by the YWN news desk was lacking in detail and raised more questions than it answered such as why the rav didn’t press charges. No one, include moi’, ever suggested the rav somehow provoked the attack or that this crazy kid was not the assilant. What is missing is any context or explanation as to the specifics.
“Gadolhadorah” cant help himself he is a lib who cant hide is krumkeit