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Swastikas on a Migdal HaEmek Shul

ssWhen gabbaim of Migdal HaEmek’s Central Shul for European descendants arrived on erev Shabbos 17 Elul 5773 they were shocked to see swastikas painted on five pillars of the shul. Making things worse, it was too late to clean the vandalism away before Shabbos, and mispallalim arriving for minyanim on Shabbos were forced to see the horrific site on the marble pillars.

While price tag graffiti attacks are reported by the media in Israel and are sharply condemned by state leaders, this vandalism hate crime, swastikas on a shul, did not merit statements of condemnation from the nation’s leaders.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. There is no evidence that this vandalism is linked to the right wing settlers or any Chareidi group. Too often, these events are ultimately traced to bored teenagers with nothing to do bein hazmanim.

  2. Perhaps those at Yeshiva World are fortunate enough to not have lost any family members at the Holocaust. But for those of us that did, it is extremely revolting and hurtful to see the swastika pictured every time there is a story about the Germans or Nazis, YS”V.

    Note to Editor: try being a little mindful of the people that read your website. Use another picture!!

  3. #1 Oh yah? When did you hear of bored charedi teenagers drawing swastiskas? Your hatred towards charedim and Gedolei Yisrael can be read in almost every comment of yours. Are you Jewish? Shomer Shabbat or just shomer Chanukah donuts? Or only Shomer Yom Haatzmaut?

  4. #1 – You’re only partially right, a lot of “price tag” attacks can be traced to arab (youth), bein hazmanim and Jewish youth are thankfully mostly not involved in either price tag or “petty” vandalism

    #3 You are also sadly wrong, last year or 2 years ago we had a major story of some charedi who vandalized Yad Vashem, with sentences that would be befitting of (neo) nazis.

    Conclusion you are both a bit right, 1 shouldn’t jump to judging Jewish youths so quickly and 3 should attack others less and get out and hear about some of the things that happen here.

  5. There have been several such incidents in the past years. Those involved have been troubled OTD youth from Charedi families.

    P.S. I am fully shomer Chanukah sufganiyot but only with Eidah hashgacha, only eat gebroks on Yom Haatmaut and shlug kapores on purim katan. Whats your hashkafah other than to assume that anyone who disagrees with your positions on everything is an apikores, anti-gadolim, anti-chareidim and just a general, all-around osvorf?

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