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Zaka Working with Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon

zakaZaka leader Yehuda Meshi-Zahav and other organization officials were in Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital on Tuesday, 21 Elul 5773 to meet with the hospital’s director, Dr. Chezi Levi. They met to define ways in which Zaka can increase its role in assisting the hospital. Dr. Levi detailed the hospital’s efforts towards accommodating the chareidi community, boasting the level of cooperation with community leaders.

The group visited different hospital units including new areas under construction, receiving a detailed briefing on the work to raise the level of patient care. The Zaka group was impressed with the steps taken to accommodate the religious community, both chareidi and dati leumi.

Hospital officials explained that as a result of the warfare in southern Israel, a relationship has been formed between Barzilai and a number of chessed organizations, including Zaka. Meshi-Zahav stressed the vital role played by Barzilai in time of southern warfare as the only area medical center, promising to do whatever possible to enhance Zaka’s relationship with the medical center.

The walking tour included the new seven-story fortified building that is under construction which will provide total protection against rocket attacks, eliminating the need to evacuate patients.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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