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Sephardic Jewish Community Federation Endorses Lhota As GOP Choice For Mayor

Joe-Lhota_The Sephardic Community Federation today annouced their endorsement of Joe Lhota in the GOP primary.

“We at SCF support candidates who we believe will serve New York City’s best interests, while being the best on important issues to our community including public safety, anti-terrorism, lower taxes and support for business and education.”

“I’m very grateful for the Sephardic Community Federation’s support,” said Mr. Lhota. “Whether its issues of making New York City more affordable, keeping our streets safe, educating our children or caring for the needy, these are the issues that all New Yorkers care about. I have worked closely with the SCF in the past and I look forward to continuing our partnership as mayor. Working together, we can build on our successes and take New York City to new and great heights.”

(YWN Newsdesk)

One Response

  1. Lhota will not get anywhere without a Teitelbaum endorsement or BP support. The Sephardic community is a good step, but the real powerbrokers are in Billyburg.

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