Election Campaign: Stop the Chareidiazation of Yerushalayim

charedi1The Labor party has teamed up with the left-wing Meretz party in municipality elections. They are running and anti-chareidi campaign in Yerushalayim, calling to “Stop the Chareidiazation” in the hope of attracting voters. The major election platform is to oppose chareidim.

BaKehilla reports that for Labor, the campaign in the capital is backfiring as they are receiving many complaints over the decision to align with the far left-wing political party. Labor MK Yechiel Hilik Bar explains he is opposed to the negative campaign. He adds that in his former role as a Jerusalem city councilman he acted towards chareidim with respect and received the same in return and for him, this campaign is a mistake.

“Labor does not act against chareidim or any group today, small or lodge. This is a mistake and I am working to break from the campaign” added Bar.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Image in America saying no blacks in this area. I remember when your title in America say can not be sold to Jews or Blacks. See how liberal the liberals are. They are the worst anti-semities and check to see if they are really Jews. Remember the erev ra when up out of Eqypt

  2. I’m so confused. Wasn’t it just last week when R’ Gafne, the duly elected representative of the Charedim as appointed by the Gedolei Hador Shlita, said that Meretz was our ally?

  3. While they shouldn’t discriminate against Chareidim or any other group, it would be much better for all the residents of Yerushalayim if there was a diverse population where Chareidim didn’t dominate to the extent of making it difficult for other groups to freely live their life styles. Too may Chareidi neighborhoods try to create mini-ghettos and try to dictate who can walk on their streets, where they can go and when and what they must wear. They also try to dictate which businesses can open and what they can sell. A diverse and multi-cultural neighborhood such as evolving in many parts of Tel Aviv and Haifa would be much better for the city rather than c’v becoming one large extended version of monolithic neighborhoods like BB.

  4. They dictate what is sold; some of this is very good; not smuts journals, and newpapers, sensible clothing, not bars at every corner,no rap crap on the radio or hearing it on the streets and having Shabbos Menucha on the street. Sounds good

  5. The problem with most of these parties is weak policy. Meretz and Yesh Atid are one trick ponies and their platform is focused on anti-Torah policies. Chas Ve Shalom, if they fulfill their goals,they are obscelete.

    Gadolhador is ignoring a simple fact. Whoever has the most children wins! -It’s Demographic reality. Israel is on track to be a haredi-Arab country in 50 years.

  6. In Israel “Free Speech” is only for the left. Just try saying “no chilonim in our neighborhood” and you’ll see how the left and the hight court will gang up on you.

  7. ” Israel is on track to be a haredi-Arab country in 50 years.”

    And if the Charedim don’t start serving in the IDF in large numbers, and don’t start learning secular subjects in school, Israel will become a poverty-stricken lawless Arab country. Maybe like Egypt, maybe like Syria, but don’t think for a second that we won’t be caught in the crossfire between the various bands of Arab fanatics. This is while I absolutely despise Lapid’s budget cuts, he is 100% right about the fact that charedim need to change — basically to become chardali.

  8. When you harass people on buses and streets because you think that you own them, you eventually draw a counter-reaction.
    I saw an apparently chareidi woman with a baby carriage scream and insult a video or electronic store of some sort in Geula several years ago, because she felt that certain videos he was selling were not appropriate..It drew a crowd because she continued her harangue and tirade outside on the street.The owner tried to reason with her in a calm voice ( he was not wearing a kippa)but to no avail. This went on for 20 minutes.
    This is an example of this type of behavior.

  9. #7… Your leader in Williamsburg should’ve recognized the state 60 years ago, urged his members to make aliyah, and they could’ve then given EYTZES about free speech.
    For a poster who doesn’t recognize Israel, you sure are obsessed with it because its reality confounds your entire belief system.

  10. So this is where we’re at:
    Careidim and chilonom. What about the other religious Jews who are not fanatics and chumrah-hoppers?
    Obviously, they’re too busy working, ALSO learning, busy with life,enjoy the good in secular culture , don’t force their opinions on others and just as important… have sane, reasonable and educated rabbonim who aren’t interested in hynotizing and radicalizing mindless puppets into automatons.

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