The Intifada in Jerusalem’s French Hill Neighborhood

parIt is hard to believe that once upon a time the French Hill neighborhood of Yerushalayim was a preferred community for affluent Western new immigrants to settle. It was a different time, a pre-Oslo Agreement time. Today, the once affluent upscale Jerusalem neighborhood is overrun by Arabs from nearby villages such as Issawiya. The shopping center has become home to Arab residents, while many Jews are afraid to bring children and grandchildren to parks or simply walk around. Too often Jews are harassed or worse by Arabs who have made themselves at home in the community.

Maariv reports that of late the neighborhood has been plagued “by a wave of arson and firebomb attacks”. Just a few days ago a firebomb hurled on Nahagei Hafradot Street resulted in a fire that badly damaged a vehicle belonging to a senior French consular official. Area fire department officials confirm of late there has been an increase in firebomb attacks against vehicle and apartments alike.

Last month a firebomb was thrown at an apartment on the same street, compelling the family to call the fire department. The increase in attacks is also reported in Abu Tor, another seamline community that suffers from the infiltration by nearby Arab residents.

Police confirm investigations are underway but to date, no arrests have been made.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. And when they are made the imprisoned criminals are released in order to negotiate with the Arabs for the peace, and the next time they clash with the police they will cancel the negotiations so we are back to square one. Kol Hakavod !!!

  2. Maybe next time john heinz kerry comes to israel, instead of booking him a suite at the king david, they can have him stay in french hill hotel just to give him a feel for the type of people israel is negotiating with.

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