Invite Holocaust Survivors or Assist Them Monetarily?

holThe Ministry of Welfare has closed on an advertisement campaign with Yediot Achronot that calls on the public to invite Holocaust survivors to their Yomtov meals during the month of Tishrei. According to the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), the ad campaign carries a 250,000 NIS price tag and it questions the justification of the expense, suggesting the money be given to the survivors instead of the newspaper. The MQG adds the decision to hire the services of Yediot was made without a tender as should have been the case.

MQG officials turned to Minister of Welfare (Yesh Atid) Meir Cohen, commending his concern and his effort, but questioning the wisdom of his decision. Organization officials’ feel the money may be better spent given directly to the survivors, many living below the poverty line.

The organization also points out the decision was made without a public tender as is required, and that Yediot will undoubtedly benefit from such a noble campaign in its newspaper, a publication that the minister was affiliated with for a number of years prior to entering the political arena.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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