Israel: Taser Happy Cop Indicted

taserOne of the policemen involved in the brutal arrest of Shomron resident Boaz Albert faces a criminal charges. According to the findings of the Justice Minister Internal Affairs Unit, the policeman shocked Albert 24 times with his taser. A criminal indictment against the policeman was filed in the Tel Aviv District Court.

The policeman allegedly shocked his prisoner when the latter was already subdued and on the ground as well as delivering numerous shocks while he was in the rear of the police vehicle. The officer faces charges including illegal and unauthorized use of the taser and assault & battery.

It is pointed out that he allegedly shocked the prisoner number times when the prisoner was already in handcuffs. He also faces allegations of striking Albert in his head with the taser gun numerous times while being transported. He apparently enjoyed using his taser so much he delivered additional shocks to the suspect as they took him from the vehicle to the police station.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The United Nations Committee against Torture reports that the use of Tasers can be a form of torture, due to the acute pain they cause, and warns against the possibility of death in some cases. Repeated bursts by a Taser can be lethal.
    Because of the use of electricity and the claim of the weapon being non-lethal, controversy has sprouted over particular incidents involving the weapon and the use of the weapon in general. In essence, controversy has been centered on the justification of the use of the weapon in certain instances, and, in some cases, health issues that are claimed to be due to the use of the weapon. That Cop is really cruel!

  2. What is wrong with our Police that they hire such low life thugs who are capable of such cruelty? This has been going on for years. It’s about time the whole culture is changed.
    We deserve a mature and responsible and a G-d fearing leadership!

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