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Bill Thompson Receives Heartfelt Endorsement By Dov Hikind

20130822-191042.jpg [VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Citing 31 years of friendship, Assemblyman Dov Hikind endorsed former City Comptroller Bill Thompson as his choice for mayor, in the Democratic primary on September 10. “Bill Thompson is one of the most decent people I’ve met in my 31 years of politics,” Mr. Hikind said to a couple dozen people assembled outside Amnon’s Kosher Pizza on 13th Avenue.

“Number 1, he’s a person whose word is his bond. He’s a person who has a heart and a soul with the kind of decency so important I the world of politics,” Mr. Hikind listed the reasons he picked Mr. Thompson over any of the other candidates running for mayor. “Number 2, one of the most important issues for anyone who lives in the city of New York, whatever community you’re from, is the issue of education – The idea of our children being educated the way they are the future. They are going to be the future Bill Thompsons, the future Dov Hikinds, the future Barack Obamas – the future leaders of out country.

Me. Hikind applauded Mr. Thompson’s education proposals, eve though the plan does not include non-public schools. Hikind said he believed Thompson would help implement the new transportation bill that passed last spring, that mayor Bloomberg had initially dismissed this as a costly perk for parents of private school students.
Mr. Hikind expressed his hope that Mr. Thompson would ease the way in removing the level of bureaucracy
the current administration has put in place. “In a Bill Thompson administration we will not have that problem,” Mr. Hikind declared.

While Public Advocate Bill de Blasio is also considered a friend of Hikind, he stood with Thompson based on their relationship and the goods he has delivered for the community. “With God’s help, only with God’s help, Bill Thompson will be the next mayor of New York,” he enthusiastically proclaimed. Adding, “If you believe in something, if you stand for something, you have principles, you don’t look at polls, you do what you think is right because the heart tells you: This is the right man.”

George Soros endorsing Mr. de Blasio also helped Mr. Hikind form his final decision, a source within the Hikind circle confirmed to YWN.

In accepting the endorsement, Mr. Thompson praised Assemblyman Dov Hikind as a person that has always let principle guide him. “He isn’t a person who’s in one side one day and on the other side the next. You know exactly where he is,” said Mr. Thompson. “And when he’s your friend he’s your friend.”

When asked by YWN if there was any quid pro quo, Mr. Thompson called Mr. Hikind “a man of integrity” and said to indicate that he has ever asked for anything “is almost an insult.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

One Response

  1. If my memory serves me right, Hikind has a terrible record endorsing the winner. So I guess we should take his endorsement of Thompson (bad idea) as a signal to vote for someone else. My impression of Thompson is that he will be another Dinkins, and not just because he is also black

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