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PHOTOS: Dov Hikind Endorses Bill Thompson For NYC Mayor



It seems that NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind has made up his mind and has chosen his candidate for NYC Mayor, throwing his endorsement to Bill Thompson.

As YWN had previously reported, Hikind had not been able to make up his mind, saying “Either man would make an excellent, caring, responsible mayor and choosing one over the other will be a very difficult task for me”.

Hikind held a press conference at his favorite endorsement location, outside Amnon’s Kosher Pizza on 13th Avenue. Various community activists were at the conference as well.

A full detailed report will be published shortly.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

[Photos for YWN were taken by the JDN Team]


6 Responses

  1. Bill Thompson is the best choice New Yorkers can make.

    I hope the NY Voters will do their own research through reliable sources like the candidates official websites and not rely upon the NY Times or any other tainted sources. Also, when a candidate says that he/she/it will do something and he/she/it has been in office and did not even address the issue, ask why?

    Don’t believe everything you read even from Jewish sources because you may not know what their agenda is.

  2. Is amnon’s the capital of BP? Has it been deemed a nyc landmark yet? Cuz every hikind press conference is held there.

  3. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Why doesn’t Hikind put on his blackface for the cameras, like he did on Hallow- I mean Purim?

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