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Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz to Attend Mir Lakewood Dinner this Sunday

rThis week the Israeli government announced drastic new budget cuts, amounting to about 75 percent of what they gave in 2012, a reduction of close to eight million dollars. In light of the very difficult financial situation, and due to the fact that the dinner is taking place during the Rechnitz dollar for dollar matching campaign, the Rosh Yeshiva has asked Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz to make a special effort and travel from Los Angeles to attend the dinner. We have just received confirmation that he plans to attend as well as speak at the dinner.

The Lakewood dinner will be take place next Sunday evening, August 25th, at the N’eemas Hachaim Hall, reception will be at 9 PM with the program beginning at 10 PM

In addition to the presence of the Rosh Yeshiva shlita, Rav Nachman Levovitz and Reb Binyomin Carlebach, two very popular Rebbeim from Bais Yeshaya will also be there: Rav Yehuda Wagshal and Rav Elimelech Reznik. The program will also feature a live video address from Rav Osher Arielli.

A very large crowd of Talmidim, parents, and friends is anticipated, but the presence of each and every individual will truly enhance the event. Please mark your calendar and make a sincere effort to attend.

Your personal participation will be a tremendous Chizuk for the Rosh Yeshiva, and an opportunity for us to show  Hakoras Hatov to Shlomo Yehuda for the campaign.


(YWN – Studio B)

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