Avowed Anti-Semite Stands Next To Spitzer At Policy Press Conference


Today, Eliot Spitzer released a comprehensive plan to help NYCHA residents get needed repairs and security measures for their communities.The event was organized by Carmen Quinones, who is the running mate for District Leader of Thomas Lopez Pierre. Lopez Pierre stood next to Spitzer for much of the press conference.

Mr. Lopez Pierre is widely known as an avowed racist and anti-Semite, who attacked his opponents in a race for City Council and now is running for District Leader on a ticket with Quinones, who planted a kiss on Spitzer at his press conference today. Quinones called Scott Stringer “racist,” and Spitzer accused Stringer of “turning his back on NYCHA residents.”

Some recent e-mail subjects from Lopez Pierre:

Subj: Fwd: Brian Benjamin …… of his White/Jewish slave master named Mark Levine.

Subj: Fwd: Marc Landis, Esq. – a scumbag Jew lawyer who cannot be trusted by Black people.

A spokesperson for the campaign of Scott Stringer released the following statement:

“We are horrified that a former governor of this state would stand with two individuals who have engaged in inflammatory rhetoric that is anti-Semitic, anti-African American, and anti-woman. That Eliot Spitzer would hold a campaign event under the auspices of supporting NYCHA tenants and proudly stand with two people that represent the ugliest side of politics should be deeply troubling to voters. Who Eliot Spitzer chooses to stand with speaks to his character, and the depths he is willing to sink towards 20 days before an election.” said Audrey Gelman, Spokesperson for Stringer 2013.

Reached for a comment, Lis Smith, a spokeswoman for the campaign of Spitzer told YWN: “The campaign did not invite him and Eliot did not know who he was. Eliot disagrees with the comments in question and we repudiate his endorsement.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

5 Responses

  1. Just goes to show you nobody can reach the aliya in ruchniyos of a yid and unfortunately lo aleinu the lows. Chazal teach us that bnei yisroel are bayshanim. Client #9 and carlos danger are really putting that axiom to the test.

  2. Even without this, Spitzer had proven that he was unfit for public office by trying to get financial institutions to launder the money used to pay his call girl. That should have earned him a prison sentence, yet he wants to run the City’s finances?

    Everyone reading this who is a registered Democrat needs to vote for Stringer. It is important.

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