Dozens of Arabs Try To Enter Neve Ya’akov On Friday Night After 8-Year-Old Disappears

Arabs rioted next to the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday night following the disappearance of an Arab boy from the nearby neighborhood of Beit Chaninah.

Eight-year-old Qais Abu Ramila was sent by his mother to the grocery store about 4 p.m. on Friday and never returned. Later that night, police began searching near a deep pool of rainwater which had formed in the neighborhood after search dogs picked up the boy’s scent nearby.

The police also asked the neighborhood residents to assist in the search which extended throughout the night. As police officers explored all possibilities for the boy’s disappearance, some of the boy’s relatives claimed that security camera footage showed the boy being forcibly taken away by an unknown man. However, the boy’s parents and the police said that the footage was not connected to the boy’s disappearance.

Meanwhile, dozens of Arabs tried to enter the neighboring Jewish neighborhood of Neve Ya’akov to search for the possible “kidnapper.” Police stopped them from entering and the Arabs began rioting and throwing stones at the police. Police arrested three of the Arabs for disturbing public order.

“At about 10 p.m. we received a message from the police about a missing boy in the Beit Chanina area,” rescue services said. “After cross-checking the data, it became apparent that he probably was located in a rainwater drainage pit. We immediately began searching the area and inside the reservoir and concurrently operated pumps to drain the reservoir. The rescue was carried out under difficult conditions of cold, mud and murky water and continued [throughout the night]. At about 7.40 a.m, rescue services found the boy, who was unfortunately lifeless, at the bottom [of the reservoir].”

Police believe that the boy slipped and fell inside the reservoir.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I think the reporting of this story is a horrible afront to the dignity of an Arab boy. The story should have reported his death by drowning in a resevoir as the primary aspect of the story. The unwarranted rioting by some of his neighbors is secondary – though important, especially for the people targeted by rocks and other riotous violence. The story reasonably reports that the parents of the deceased boy did not believe the alternative-fact kidnapping of the boy by Jews.

  2. @huju
    Firstly, the boy is not confirmed dead, [at least not by what I can see in this article]. Therefore the story is his dissapearence. Hence the emphasis on the accusation.
    There was also a japanese boy who died, and a kenyan. In fact, in China there was a little girl who died, in spain another. yet we didnt see a report on those. Why? because although tragic, it isnt relevant to the majority of the worlds’ daily lives. Same with this arab boy, his disappearance is sad and tragic, but the relevance was the blood libel that followed. Your welcome.

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