AM Camara Calls On de Blasio To Pull Back ‘Misleading’ Ad

New York State Assemblyman Karim Camara today called on Bill de Blasio to discontinue his misleading Stop-and-Frisk ad, saying he has a responsibility to present his case without distortion.

The statement comes as the New York Times calls de Blasio’s Stop-and-Frisk ad “highly problematic” and explained that de Blasio “is not the only candidate pledging to end the way the Police Department carries out the stop-and-frisk tactic.”

“All of the candidates have the right and the opportunity to highlight their vision and accomplishments as to why they deserve the support of the voters. However, they also have the responsibility to present their case without distortion,” said Assembly member Karim Camara. “In the spirit of that democratic participation, Bill de Blasio should discontinue his misleading ad saying he is the only candidate who would reform Stop-and-Frisk.”

(YWN Newsdesk)

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