Is Deri Declaring War on the Dati Leumi Community?

deriShas party leader Aryeh Deri announced on Wednesday, 15 Elul 5773 that from his perspective, the Bayit Yehudi is a full partner in the assault against the Torah world, referring to the cuts to yeshivos and the sharp reduction in monthly child allowance payments. He pointed out that the dati leumi party promised these cuts would not occur, but now it is known that this is not so.

Deri pointed out that the “gezeiros” harm the dati leumi tzibur too, yet the party is a full partner and therefore responsible along with the others. “I do not know what answers they will give for the families throughout Yehuda and Shomron have many children too. They also have yeshivos and kollelim. I do not know what responses they give to their people. They are full partners in these gezeiros. Without Bayit Yehudi this would not have passed”.

Deri added, “With all due respect, the Chevron Yeshiva, Porat Yosef or Mir are no less important than all of the yishuvim or outpost and this must be remembered.”

Deri lashed out against Bayit Yehudi adding “Am Yisrael managed for thousands of years. It is difficult indeed but we managed and existed as a people without any of these outposts. However, without Torah Israel cannot exist. Anyone who rejects our Torah world, one who gave a hand to this which may chas v’sholom lead to closing our Torah world should not be surprised when we are not partners in the struggle to maintain the outposts or a one yishuv or another.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. DERI,is the last person in this world that has the right to give mussar to anyone.For MONEY he agreed to expel JEWS out of Gaza ,because of that many JEWS have died.

  2. I suspect that he expects the Dati Leumi community to dump Bennett and go back to being pro-Torah and pro-Welfare. It’s totally irrational for a group is much focused on foreign policy to deliberately alienate a potential ally in a way that would force them (the Hareidim) to ally with those opposed to the “settlement enterprise.” It isn’t worth it to most Dati Leumi types to give up the West Bank in order to cut child allowances and close down hareidi yeshivos.

  3. Am I the only one noticing or do you all see the same thing?
    Every day, twice a day, some Israeli politician, rabbi, sect, group or organization makes announcements, speeches and plahpel stam shtussim to make the newspapers and feel important.
    Scroll down YW’s headlines and you’ll see what I mean. For some reason , today is a prime day for this stuff.

    Now take this Deri for example. With him it’s been years. With his baggage, you’d think he’d shut up already and leave the rest of us alone. But naaa,he needs media like
    a fish for water.

  4. How many of you read the whole article??
    He is making a point as many rabbonim are making that Bayit Hayhudi is acting as a bayit Hagoyim.

  5. What a hypocrite! When Shas was a prime player in the govt. and it wrangled money for all the chareidi yeshivos, it did not give the D.L. yeshivos ONE SHEKEL! The D.L. yeshivos, even their batei midrash, were left out in the cold. And, when Shas got the religion portfolio, it systematically fired every kippah sruga. What goes around…

  6. getzel1- if anyone should read the article is you. deri acts as if, for two thousand years, there were subsidies from some mysterious fund to the jews and without that, Torah disappears, This is preposterous. Torah was, is andc will always be with the Jewish people. A cut in some govt allowance does not destroy the Jewish tradition. Oy va voy if the chareidim cannot sustain their yiddishkeit based on this flimsy excuse.

  7. Settlements are anyway counterproductive and only isolate Israel in the international community. Shas should oppose outposts and settlement construction even if Bayit Yehudi would not cut stipends.

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