Chief Rabbis: Polio Booster Vaccine Compulsory

pHealth Ministry officials on Tuesday, 14 Elul 5773 reported 170,000 children nationwide have already received the oral polio booster vaccine. Simultaneously, opponents to the vaccination have turned to the Supreme Court requesting an injunction halting the vaccination program until officials can prove the merits of the vaccination outweigh the risks.

Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef has released a psak Halacha stating “It has come to my attention there are those who fear having their children vaccinated with the polio vaccine. Since we are commanded ונשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם and the experts with whom I have consulted warn there is a real danger posed by the return of the polio virus, it is the obligation and mitzvah for parents to have their children vaccinated.

ויהי רצון שיתקיים בנו מה שכתוב כל המחלה אשר שמתי במצרים לא אשים עליך כי אני ה’ רופא

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau concurs and signed the psak Halacha too.

On Tuesday night, 14 Elul, Health Minister Yael German urged parents to bring their children in for the polio booster. Her appeal coincided with an announcement that polio was discovered in northern Israel, in the Israeli Arab municipality of Baka el-Garbiya.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Most people who vaccinate their children are not made aware what ingredients are contained in vaccines and even if they’re told, they may not fully understand what that particular ingredient is or what it means.  People need to better understand & research what they are injecting into the bodies of thier loved ones. There are staggering number of people that report adverse reactions to vaccines. There are so many children who experience many of the same reactions to vaccines.   It is very interesting that most of the adverse reactions fit into many of the side effects of many ingredients contained in vaccines. Please educate before you vaccinate! Don’t wait for something bad to happen before you begin researching vaccines.   

  2. Aside from serious questions as to their efficacy, there have been millions of people adversely effected by vaccines, from causing the disease the vaccine was meant to prevent, to limb paralysis,
    meningitis, death (SIDS), arthritis, autoimmune disorders, HIV infection from the SV40 derived from the infected monkey kidney tissue through which some polio vaccines were filtered, mercury and aluminum toxicity. And it is thought that only 1 in 10 adverse effects are actually reported.

  3. “There are staggering number of people that report adverse reactions to vaccines.”

    Really? Do you perhaps have some sort of documentation to validate your claim? Tell me the number of people with adverse reactions compared to the TOTAL number of people vaccinated.

    Yes, people neeed to be educated about vaccines. But that includes the risk of R”L contracting polio if not vaccinated, compared to the risk of adverse reactions if vaccinated.

    I think parents will find that the former risk is many, many times greater than the latter.

  4. The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, However it was too late by the time it was noticed. The CDC admitted that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.


  5. shazam I will answer you. VAERS has 432,885 adverse events reports to date. This is since they started in 1990.
    “Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler estimated in a 1993 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association that fewer than 1 percent of all doctors report injuries and deaths following the administration of prescription drugs. This estimate may be even lower for vaccines. In one survey that our organization conducted in New York in 1994, only 1 doctor in 40 reported to VAERS.”–Barbara Loe Fisher.
    In fact ask around and you’ll see many doctors and certainly laymen never even heard of VEARS. So If for arguments sake 1 out of 200 VAERS are actually reported that will give us 86,577,000 estimated adverse reactions over a 23 year period, and on average 3,764,217 adverse reactions a year. And since every year about 4 million babies are born in the US and now babies are getting about 20 shots the first year [although 20 this is the new schedule and years ago they weren’t getting so much, I will leave the calculation as a rough estimate for argument sake] that would leave us with 80 million vaccine shots a year. That gives us a 4.7% adverse reaction rate, or about 1 out of 20. Now even if you want to play around with the numbers you will still get a high number. Many of these events are not too serious, but about 10% to 15% require hospitalization, and about 2% involve deaths. Now regarding the risk of polio, there is practically no risk nowadays of contracting polio in the US. And regarding Israel they found thousands of carriers of the virus and they have no way to know how long they are carrying the virus for. But the point is that there hasn’t been one case of symptomatic Polio in Israel for over 20 years. And there is no credible way of forecasting that any of these asymptomatic “carriers” will ever become symptomatic. So who cares if their carrying it?

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