Reaching New Lows Before Rosh Hashanah; Arab Sent To Rav Shternbach’s Home With Package Of His Destroyed Seforim

thIt appears when Gedolim Shlita are involved in a machlokes L’Shem Shomayim it serves as a signal for extremists to act. The case in point is the machlokes between rabbonim of the Eida Chareidis, primarily the Eida Chareidis Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita and the Eida Chareidis Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita. The machlokes surrounds continued construction in the Binyan Shalem area of Beit Shemesh.

Persons taking part in the campaign to besmirch the Ravaad, Rav Sternbuch Shlita, are willing to lower themselves to any level. On Tuesday night, the eve of 14 Elul 5773, an Arab male knocked on the door of the Sternbuch home loudly at 01:00. The messenger explained he was asked to come to Har Nof to deliver the package to the rabbi in person.

The decision was made not to take the package, which was accepted by a neighbor of the rav. When the package was opened they found torn and destroyed portions of the rav’s seforim, Teshuvos Vehanhagos.

See the attached photo.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. The rebels are like adas Korach. Probably they’ll be swallowed up by the earth. Or the foundation of the construction site.

  2. They’re young and energetic and desperately looking for a battle and some kind of a Nitzochon.
    If you’re not going to let them join the army and, instead, keep them in the Bais Medrash like in a prison, they will continue tearing up Seforim and send them all over. They are BORED.

  3. It is very dangerous to start with Gedolim. I remember a story in the early 80’s of someone who started with Rav Sternbuch in South Africa, and had a terrible car accident that night. Beware, whoever you are, you are playing with fire!

  4. This is a very exciting event! The Chardi world has let the yahoos, whacko and hooligans run rough-shot. When CRAZY people spit on an eight year old girl and call her nasty names; the silence is deafening. When a Rosh-Yeshiva calls other Jews Amalek; the silence is deafening. When other acts like this are perpetrated; yes, the silence is deafening. So, what better than to have those same crazy ones now turn on you. Me sh’mirachem la’Achzarim….

    Wishing the Achzarah Kadisha the best.

  5. TERRIBLE! TERRIBLE! TERRIBLE! No words to say and I don’t envy the person who did it.

    He better “fly” over to Rav Sternbuch shlit”a and ask for mechilah and then fast and pray for Hashem to forgive him, or else he should prepare his tzavaah (will).

    Hope Rav Weiss shlit”a knows about this terrible bizayon Hatorah and will take care of it too.

  6. DISGUTING, how much lower will these thugs go!!!

    Unless Rav Weiss comes out with some type of statement, financial punishment, and cherem, these behaviors will continue throughout the Yom Tovim.

    Follow the money trail for answers on most questions!!

  7. How do you know who sent it? it makes more sense that it should be someone who wants to beshmir Asra Kadisha, rather then the opposite, since it would be counterproductive.

  8. …Machlokes L’Shem Shomayim it serves as a signal for extremists to act ….. I guess YWN editors are extremists.

    YWN reporting on stories on one side of the isle and silence on stories on the other side of the isle, is clearly the act that they despise others of doing

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