MK Porush: Lapid is Proud to Take the Children’s Bread

porAs far as MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Meir Porush is concerned, the government is continuing with its anti-chareidi agenda “from the cuts in monthly child allowance payments to the cut in basic bread for avreichim.”

Speaking to Kikar Shabbat, Porush is quoted saying “it’s being impervious to an extreme” regarding the cruelty displayed to the nation’s children and the avreichim who barely made a living before the drastic cuts. He explains that in recent days the chareidi community finds itself under attack from its very own government, having to defend all that is dear in life. Porush points out families with five children will lose as much as 5,000 NIS annually, a devastating blow to their ability to survive. “The cuts are very painful, but what makes it much worse is that he is proud of his actions.”

Porush explains this is not the first time he has seen cuts in his career, but this time around it is cutting for the sake of cutting, accompanied by a cruelty that never existed. “The translation of this behavior is that I do not wish to give bread to children” he added.

Porush adds that he hears those who say “those who have children must take care of them himself” but feels “anything that has to do with children is problematic”. He is confident that Lapid’s political career will be a short one as his popularity continues to wane because of the child cuts and other decisions. Therefore, Porush believes that Lapid will do anything and everything to prevent moving up general elections.

Porush emphasizes there is no coincidence regarding cuts to avreichim, cuts in child allowances and other gezeiros, “for in Lapid’s eyes, chareidim simply are not entitled to anything, not even compared to what Eritreans are entitled to.”

He points out that it is clear Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu exhibits signs of desperation and therefore he expected nothing from him.

When asked what to do Porush suggests protesting and shouting while waiting for the correct opportunity at which time what must be done will be done. “Am Yisrael can live without coalitions too” he explains.

Porush turns his attention to the Bayit Yehudi party, placing a considerable measure of blame for the destruction of yeshivos on the shoulders of the dati leumi party. Porush also questions how the dati leumi party can be a part of this and the severe cuts in monthly child allowances since many families living in yishuvim are Baruch Hashem large and they too rely heavily on the monthly payments.

Speaking with Israel Radio on Tuesday, 14 Elul 5773 Dr. Yitzhak Kadmon, who heads the Child Welfare Council, explains the situation like this. “One who receives monthly child allowance payments is a parasite while one who receives tax rebates is wise and envied.” He joints the growing list of experts in the field who are gravely concerned with the knowledge that the government’s decision will decree tens of thousands of children to a life of poverty.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. ” anti chareidi agenda…..Netanyahu, signs of desperation….Do not want to give bread to children…destruction of yeshivos” Tra-la-la.
    In this column we’re not hearing the other side but even if we’ll disagree with them , one thing is clear if you watch the politics carefully. Most if them are not out to get chareidim. Stop feeling so insecure and concentrate rather on posive ways to make your lives better.
    Light a candle instead of cursing the darkness and you’ll show us something. Otherwise, you’re just another pathetic politician standing on old milk crates repeating the same ‘ol tired refrain to the same audience..

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