MK Gila Gamliel on Lapid’s Cutting of Monthly Child Allowance Payments

chederMK (Likud) Gila Gamliel spoke with Israel Radio on Tuesday, 14 Elul 5773 as the new sharply reduced monthly child allowance payments become a reality. She feels that Finance Minister Yair Lapid “has no plan and no economic vision”, rejecting the legitimacy of his decision to cut the monthly payments.

Gamliel added that ultimately, the matter will come to the Finance Committee for assistance as tens of thousands of children will find themselves living under the poverty level.

The MK feels “this hurts everyone, all working families with children. The monthly funding is not an alternative to working as Lapid would like us to believe but it permits parents a bit of breathing room, a little assistance and relief to work with parents to raise their children and possibly buy them some of the things that might not otherwise be possible.”

Gamliel added that often Israel enjoys comparing standards to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) nations but when it comes to this, a decision that will send tens of thousands of children below the poverty line we seem to prefer not to make the comparison.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. How else will Lapid get at his arch-enemies, the charedim whom he was educated to hate with his mother’s milk? He knows that his plan of them joining the military will never come to pass, how else can he get at them? Next on his agenda is to make it illegal to have more than 3 children.

  2. in most European countries, there is a child subsidy to ENCOURAGE citizens to have children. The reason is that Europeans are not having enough children to sustain the country demographically. If current trends continue, Europe will disappear for lack of people.

    Ditto Japan and the United States.

    Cutting child subsidies hits the Hareidim much more than the seculars in the Tel-Aviv nightclubs, because the seculars, like their Eurapean role models, don’t have enough children to sustain the Israeli population.

    Better for Israel to disappear than to have a state in which the Hareidim take over.

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