Thompson Unveils Specific Plan to End the Abuse of Stop-and-Frisk

stfFormer City Comptroller and Democratic Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson today announced a plan to end the abuse of Stop-and-Frisk to keep New Yorkers safe and protect their constitutional rights. Thompson is the only mayoral candidate to provide a specific plan on how he would reform Stop-and-Frisk.

Specifically, Thompson has said he will focus efforts to keep the public safe by implementing community policing because it yields better intelligence, helps police stop crimes before they happen, and even gives police and the community the chance to identify – and help – troubled young people.

“As I have said, the current Stop-and-Frisk policy has violated the constitutional rights of all New Yorkers – and especially innocent blacks and Latinos,” said Bill Thompson. “The time for soundbites is over. I will end the abuse of Stop-and-Frisk with a plan that keeps New Yorkers safe and protects their rights. I’ll have a new Police Commissioner with the leadership to do the same thing.”

(YWN NYC Newsdesk)

2 Responses

  1. Community policing includes knowing if someone looks like they don’t belong in the neighborhood and to know if someone is acting suspicious, which is all that different from current policies.

  2. No sane, law abiding citizen wants to tie police hands when it comes to law enforcement. This is a desperate ploy by a desperate, sagging in the polls candidate to appeal to the lowest common denominator in this case the charlie barrons and rev al sharptongues of nyc.

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