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The Latest Brainstorm From Mayor Bloomberg: Fingerprinting At Public Housing

bloMayor Michael Bloomberg says people entering New York City public housing should be fingerprinted as a crime-prevention measure.

He made the comments Friday on WOR Radio.

Democratic mayoral candidates promptly blasted the mayor’s comment.

Ex-city comptroller Bill Thompson compared it to the city’s controversial stop-and-frisk policy. He said it’s “another direct act of treating minorities like criminals.”

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio called on Bloomberg to apologize. He said Bloomberg should “make good” on installing security cameras in public housing.

The city is fighting a judge’s ruling this week which imposed reforms on the NYPD’s stop and frisk policy. That judge also has ordered changes to an NYPD patrol program inside private buildings.


2 Responses

  1. Just another one of the “dictators” ideas that will be struck down in court as unconstitutional and racist.

    Bloomberg must be a physiologist’s dream trying to figure out how his warped sense of the world operates. While he might have a good business mind as evidenced by his tremendous success his people Akila lag way behind.

    Well well well just another 4 months of this and then we’ll be done with him. Here’s to hoping his protege Quinn doesn’t succeed him.

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