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Shas Sets Eyes on Ohr Yehuda Mayoral Race

shasAttorney Uzi Aaron feels that he will receive widespread support in the Ohr Yehuda mayoral race not because of his affiliation with Shas but because over the years he has proven himself to be a concerned city activist. His entry into the mayoral race under the Shas banner marks the first time a chareidi candidate is running for the slot in the municipal elections in that city. Aaron has been a member of the city council for over two decades and has served as a deputy mayor at times. Aaron will be running against the incumbent, Mayor David Yosef.

Aaron explains that the decision to run was not an easy one but he was persuaded by Shas leader Aryeh Deri after the latter reported a survey of the city’s voters shows he has a good chance of unseating Yosef.

Being that Ohr Yehuda is not a chareidi community Aaron during his campaign will be stressing his record on behalf of the city as well as assuring voters Shas has no intention of changing the current religious status quo in any way.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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