VIDEO: Israeli Police Brutally Beat Charedi Man [Viewer Discretion Advised]



In the ongoing Asra Kadisha protests against the Binyan Shalem construction project in Beit Shemesh, many protesters have been arrested. The protests continued today, with no sign of them stopping anytime soon.

In this video below, the crowd is heard screaming “Tziyonim Rotzchim” (Zionists are murderers), and then followed by a police officer chasing an unarmed Charedi man. He easily tackles him to the floor, and while sitting on top of him begins to viciously punch him numerous times in the face. The officer is eventually pulled off by another police officer. But it does not end there….

The man is taken into police custody, and after he is already inside the police van, the same blood-thirsty police officer begins to punch the man in the face again, at which point the officer is removed by another officer.

The man is seen in the police van after, with serious facial trauma, and a bloody face. No ambulance was called to treat the man – who could have very easy sustained a skull fracture, and/or internal brain injury.

YWN Israel has been trying to ascertain if the officer is being investigated for his behavior, but were unsuccessful in our efforts.

The video is below – viewer discretion is advised.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

34 Responses

  1. At the risk of being called anti-chareidi (again!), the so-called “brutal beating” seems quite modest. Compared to real police brutality ,when they use truncheons, water cannons and many ganging up on one person, this is quite mild. The police officer in question obviously lost his cool and started punching the chareidi man (what did he say to provoke the policeman?) but- not particularly mentioned- was pulled off the man immediately by his colleagues. Losing one’s cool for a few moments does not yet qualify for a “brutal beating”. Another biased report by the YWN israel desk.Par for the course.

  2. What is it a kidush hashem or a chilul hashem?
    The protest against digging jewish graves a kidush hashem or a chilul hashem?
    The beating up a Jew by Israeli police punching him numerous times in the face with serious facial trauma, and a bloody face a kidush hashem or a chilul hashem?

  3. This is exactly how the police in Israel beat up charedim at protests. Then they’re upset when they’re called Nazis and Amalekim.

  4. The policeman was unprofessional. Unless this guy had threatened force, thrown something like a rock at police, or the policeman had reasonable grounds for considering him dangerous, that level of force was unnecessary and should be punished.


    I counted, in total, three (3) punches that landed. I’ve seen traffic stops in North America which were more violent. Where I live, we just had an incident where a troubled teen pulled a 3 inch knife on a bus, the bus was cleared, and then surrounded by cops, who shouted at him to drop the knife several times, and then shot him. Nine (9) times, killing him, when he was no imminent threat to anyone. So lets put this into some perspective.

    Riots, including stones and other matter thrown at police, including burning barricades and imprecations yelled at police, are NOT non violent environments. If an Asra Kadisha Kanoi expects to be treated with kid gloves, his protest should be peaceful.

  5. In all honesty I sympathise with the officer. How much can he be disgraced and insulted by these fools before responding. At one point people lose their cool and are compelled to respond violently.

  6. That “policeman” is a punk and a thug. There was no physical threat to him and once he had the man down on the ground there was NO justification for punching him. The proof that this was not just a “loss of cool” is that once the man was in custody and IN THE VAN, this punk started punching him again. This “policeman” is an example of the how the “Jewish” state treats Jews.

  7. Of course it’s no big deal. I would like to know how Rabbi of Berlin, and Napuchu would react if they were the protester getting punched in the face. Nu? I am 100 percent sure they would not post such nonsense.

    Commentators on both sides of the debate make no sense. Violence and insults only works if you are non-Jews fighing for “martyrdom”.

  8. Remember last year when a general in the IDF was suspended from the army after hitting a palastinian with a gun after being repeatedly hit by this palastinian. I wonder what will happen to this policeman…

  9. Violence breeds violence as Rhetoric breeds assaults.

    Learn the mantra and decide what game you are willing to play???

  10. Commenter No. 1 is substantially correct about what the video tape shows. What the tape does not show is what, if anything, prompted the cop to pursue and hit the chareidi man, and what, if anything, prompted the chareidi man to run as he did.

    Commenter No. 3 is confused. First he says that “this” (presumably, the assault by the police officer as portrayed in the video) is how Israeli police beat up Chareidim. Then he says the Chareidim are justified in characterizing police as Nazis and Amalekites. His second statement is utterly wrong, because Nazis don’t restrain fellow Nazis when beating Jews, and 3 knocks to the head on one Jew is not the same as loading whole communities of Jews into cattle cars to be gassed, or forcing whole communities of Jews to stand by a pit and be shot.

    The event partially recorded in the video should be fully investigated and appropriate punishments, if any, should be meted out to persons who broke laws. But as I have said before, comparing simple assaults, or even brutal assaults, to the atrocities of the Nazis is an insult to the Jews and others who suffered those atrocities and cheapens the memory of the Holocaust.

  11. I’m ashamed of Jews who support police blood thirstiness didn’t history teach u anything

    People of conscience bother people without one

  12. What goes around comes around. Actually the police officer was a lot less violent than what the asra kadisha did to an 70+ year old man last week. These charading got off easy.

  13. I saw the video, I read the comments. What happened to the first part of the video where the confrontation started? I do not believe that the police officer initiated the confrontation. The Chareidi, a coward, probably initiated the confrontation and ran. He should have remained in his place and finished what he started. But knowing he was wrong, he ran. The officer was wrong for having lost his control. But the Chareidi was more wrong in starting the confrontation. I believe that a peaceful demonstration would accomplish more. The Chareidi belongs in the Beis Midrash learning or saying Tehilim. In the echoes of the learning and tefilos, the desecration would stop

  14. Based on the portion of the video shown, the title of this article should be ammended to “Israeli Police OFFICER beats Chareidi man”. There was ONE officer who struck the individual in question, with the remaining officers quickly intervening to PROTECT THE CHAREIDI INDIVIDUAL!!!

    As to the actions of that single officer – they most certainly _do_ appear to be out of line, though I’m not sure I’d go as far as YWN in calling it “brutal”. The actions should therefore be investigated and, if warranted, the officer should be diciplined, with punishment being anything up to and including dismissal from the force. Police are expected to be professional, and losing one’s cool like that is not excusable.

    an Israeli Yid

  15. #1 your an idiot. A police officer does not have that right to brutally punch someone like this. You can agree or disagree with the protest, but it is still a protest and the cop is WRONG for his actions. He and those like him must be removed immediately. If this is allowed to go on then it can happen to anyone no matter your political or otherwise views. We must say no to a POLICE STATE!

  16. Rabbiofberlin: how apropos to be the Rabbi of Berlin. I guess your German roots have had an effect on you. You were probably offended that they besmirched the name of the nazis who treated Jews the same way. I’d love to see your face as the punching bag for the out of control soldiers. Then we’ll see what you consider the savage beating they inflicted on the hapless Jew.

  17. To commentator #3: you are totally right. This is exactly how police officers in Israel beat up chareidim…right after the chareidim are done insulting(poorly used term) the police officers, their wives, their children and all of their descendents, heck all those who are not like them. Please get all the facts before being so quick to answer and accuse.

  18. I watched this video with an open mind realizing that in the heat of the moment a person, even a cop, can lose himself momentarily. However, with that said, this is an open and shut case. The fact that this same cop after being restrained by his peers again attacks the arrest man by the police vehicle is a clear indication that this cop acting with unwarranted aggressive force that is considered unprofessional by any standards! He should certainly be suspended without pay and preferably fired! There is no room in a police force for misconduct.

    I say this even though I tend to have a disdain for protesters like these who I don’t personally feel are acting 100% Lishma and I fully understand the frustrations that these cops go through in dealing with them.

  19. The police officer was unprofessional and plain wrong. However—– Let’s not take this as the norm, we DO see other officers intervening to protect the Chareidi.
    That said, this video is a red herring to detract from the overall happenings during the last month.
    The violence and beatings done by chareidim on other chareidim and damaging their property.
    The pink elephant in this room is this :
    People are getting fed up with “chareidim’ who spout hate, slander and engage in violence. Eventually, what we see in this this video was going to happen. I’m not excusing it, but when you ratchet up the battle ,stuff may come back to bite you. And it will.

  20. Violence doesn’t work on either side. Statiscally, I might guess the secular Jews get away more often in acts of brutality. Both sides are acting out of frustration.

    Rabbi of Berlin, your comments are not Jewish. A jewish neshama is peaceful. Stop posting nonnsense.

  21. Serious facial trauma? Potential skull fracture?
    Really now you are a doctor?

    Any “scratch” on the head will result in serious bleeding, to my EMT eyes it doesn’t look very serious, *maybe* stitches but probably glue will do the trick.

    (Obviously I would still recommend him to go get checked out, but you really have no way of knowing how long he was kept there from the report and how fast he did get medical attention, just like you have no idea what triggered it, generally cops don’t lose it like that easily)
    (In the snippets he doesn’t show any clear signs of concussion etc, contrary he seems alert all the way)

  22. #18 Thank you for information yet you can see that FACTS on the GROUND make no differences to attitude or feelings on this post.

    $$$$$$ from Bklyn is funneled in to these protestors to keep up the fight and make it look as bad as possible. The beat up guy probably doubled his salary today!!!

  23. It’s interesting how the video starts AFTER the policeman has been offended and the chassidshe boy is already running away. the video taker decided to leave out the part that instigated the whole event. How convenient.

    The reality is that they are demonstrating about gor nicht! The few small bones found were determined al pe halachah as goyish bones. HaRav Sternbuch has already paskened that there is no problem. Asra Kadisha are Kanai’im that do not listen to any Rav or anyone. They are misguided mechalilei Hashem.

  24. This is probably an edited video. I want to see the whole thing , this is a just a clip to propagandize.
    Don’t forget, these people have all day.

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