Learn Just One Daf And An Artscroll Shas Can Be Yours

(Credit: Artscroll)

As Rabbi Frand said at the Siyum HaShas, even if one does not finish the entire Shas, taking part in even a small portion of Daf Yomi is its own accomplishment. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.

We want to encourage you to start.

Commit to learn just the first Daf of Berachos in memory of Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz and we will enter you into a raffle for your own complete ArtScroll Schottenstein Shas. One winner will receive the entire print edition, and five more winners will receive a digital download of the entire Shas.

Sign up here: www.agudah.org/StartTheDaf.

And forward this email to your friends! They can start too.

If you want to find a local Daf Yomi shiur, or to list your own Daf Yomi shiur in the Global Daf Yomi Shiur Directory, go to www.agudah.org/DafYomi. To join or start a Daf Yomi Chaburah go to https://www.thechaburah.org/. And for Daf Yomi resources, see https://www.dafyomidirectory.org/resources.

We wish you much hatzlachah!

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