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Infuse Your Year with Purpose and Direction – Reb Aryeh Nivin’s Chaburas

nivin[Communicated Content] Rabbi Aryeh Nivin’s Personal Development Chabura for women offers real-life, practical tools towards personal development and fulfillment. The only non-stop personal development community of its kind in the world, the Chabura was named one of the six most ambitious spiritual initiatives by Family First (Sept. 12, 2012, “Making an Impact”). It’s the solution to a very common problem: contemporary living.

The Chabura, which meets once a week for an hour via conference call, is based on classic Torah sources together with life-coaching and positive psychology, and gives practical tools to help yourself—and others—learn a path toward happiness and fulfillment. You learn how to keep your eye on the goal, how to make it come alive, and how to keep implementing it.

Each member of the Chabura is encouraged to find a chavrusah or study partner from within the group—it can be a friend or a perfect stranger who lives thousands of miles away—and work together for 15 minutes a day, five days a week. Many people develop close lifelong friendships with their chavrusahs even though they’ve never even met in person. Risa of Riverdale, New Jersey and Tamar of Denver, Colorado were study partners for over a year and half before finally meeting when Risa happened to be in Colorado for business. “It was so exciting, and a ton of fun,” Tamar recalled. “This isn’t something that happens very often, where you get to meet someone you know so well, but have never met before. Most of what your partner is doing is a tremendous amount of active listening. . . I feel so grateful that we have become such close friends.”

Many report that the highlight of the Chabura is learning to identify your unique life’s purpose – the reason you were brought into this world. Many describe the experience of discovering their mission in life to be the most clarifying moment of their lives. They suddenly have goals, direction, and a unique raison d’être. One woman, who never thought of herself as a writer, has written two books since beginning the course and is now working on her third. “When I was clear on my life’s purpose, I found that all barriers and hurdles [to helping me achieve that goal] just melted away,” she exclaimed.

“I’ve tried different personal development programs over the years,” said Mrs. Hudy Abrams of the DATA Far North outreach center in Dallas, Texas, “but I’ve found that the Chabura is unique. It’s clarifying, palatable, and effects quantifiable change. . . Discovering my unique life purpose is extremely empowering and gives me a sense of vitality. It pulls me out of bed when things aren’t going so great and really gives me a sense of direction in life.”

As a teenager, Batya was a serious guitarist and songwriter. After getting married, however, she put her musical talents aside. “I knew I loved music,” she said, “but between being the breadwinner, homemaker, cook, and mother, I didn’t have time to be that other person anymore. My guitar waited, abandoned in a corner, but I was too busy to pay any notice.” After working on finding her life’s purpose, she uncovered her guitar and started playing and writing songs again. “I was suddenly rejuvenated. I had more energy for my kids, I was a better wife, and I even worked harder hours on my job. With music back in my life, I had the spiritual and emotional gasoline to drive my life and be me again.”

A new cycle of Rabbi Nivin’s personal development phone Chaburas for women has started this Elul (Aug 5th and 6th). Register now for the 3-Class No-Obligation Trial and for a limited time receive a bonus 3 CD Series, “The Jewish Woman’s Introductory Guide to Achieving Vitality” for just $1.  For more information go to, call (646) 863-4123 from the US, or email[email protected].

If you’re traveling this summer, there will be a special review session after the Yomim Tovim so that you can make up any missed classes.

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