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Police to Question Eida Officials in Shuvu Banim Money Laundering Investigation

mishtPolice and tax authorities are continuing their investigation into alleged money laundering and tax fraud involving the Shuvu Banim Yeshiva affiliated with the Breslov Chassidus.

Nachman Berland, a son of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Eliezer Berland was among those arrested. He is viewed as a chief suspect in the case. Police are in the process of summoning well-known officials from the Eida Chareidis for questioning in connection with the ongoing investigation.

Kikar Shabbos reports that some of those appearing on the list to be questioned are “senior Torah figures in the Eida”.

Attorney Nadav Gedalyahu, who presents Nachman Berland, has reached an agreement with police permitting payment of stipends and salaries to avreichim and yeshiva employees respectively despite the ongoing investigation.

The rosh yeshiva himself has been living in Morocco after fleeing Eretz Yisrael, where police want to question him regarding alleged law-breaking activities.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. A very shrewd move on the part of lapid and company:

    Keep the Chareidim ducking for cover, so that they cannot attack the Government for drafting students.–A standard Government tactic.

  2. #3. Good excuse. That’s why the Rosh Yeshiva fled the country. All bad things done by Chareidim are attributed to Lapid. What was the excuse before Lapid was on the scene?

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