Report: NYC Has The Longest Commute In Nation

nyctNew Yorkers have the longest commute in the nation.

That’s according to a report by the Partnership for New York City.

It says New Yorkers on average spend 48 minutes commuting to work and about the same time returning home.

According to the Daily News , the report says that’s 13 minutes longer than the national average.

The report by the nonprofit Partnership urged the city to increase its public transportation options.

It says over half of commuters between Brooklyn and Queens have to drive due to “limited” public transit options.


One Response

  1. “over half of commuters between Brooklyn and Queens have to drive due to “limited” public transit options.”

    Well, sort of. If I take “public tranportation” to work, I have to take 2 trains which takes me 1 hour & 10 minutes! When I drive, it takes me 35 minutes. You do the math. So much for global warming.

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