IF ANYONE CARES: Schumer Statement On the Monsey & NYC Hate Attacks

The following statement was given to YWN by the office of U.S. Senator Schumer, the self-proclaimed “Shomer Yisroel”.

U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, after a phone briefing by the FBI, released the following statement regarding the horrific attack against the Jewish community in Monsey, New York. The Senator also spoke to Mayor Izzy Spitzer and Rabbi Rottenberg, offering prayers and full support.

“Last night’s cowardly and callous attack on the Jewish community in Monsey was one of pure evil. This attack, and other anti-Semitic attacks that have occurred in recent days, demand a top-to-bottom federal investigation. I’ve asked the FBI to investigate any possible links—direct or indirect—between this attack and the ones of the past several days. I’ve also asked for an assessment of what is currently being done by federal law enforcement officials to prevent these attacks and what more can be done.

The FBI continues to work with state and local law enforcement, including the NYPD. The FBI, state, and local law enforcement continue to assess whether there were any additional motives in the Monsey attack, as well. I will remain in constant contact with the FBI, along with community leaders, and believe it’s of paramount importance to shine a critical light on how—or where—individuals are being motivated or specifically inspired to commit these heinous acts of violence that terrorize communities and incite hate.

We must not, and cannot, tolerate these senseless attacks, and we must get to the bottom of why they are occurring in order to prevent them in the first place. No American—and no New Yorker—should be subjected to the kind of terror and pain the people of Monsey and the New York Jewish community now bears.” –U.S. Senator Charles Schumer.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Your headline is disgusting. If you want to editorialize, do it in an opinion piece, not by adding derogatory headlines to a ‘news’ story. You can be sure that if the Senator did not immediately condemn this anti-Semitic act YWN would also be trashing him.

    Guess what, some of us do care what the Senior US Senator from NY says about the attacks.

  2. Sen. Schumer is a fraud. He cares only about himself and his left agenda. He does not want us to protect ourselves or carry ANY weapons; guns or other weapons.
    We should arm ourselves and train in self defense with a multitude of weapons besides guns.

  3. Dear CTLawyer: if you are interested in Schumer’s comments why visit this site? If you know he is not particularly liked here then go to the “fake news outlets”. Schumer is a creep! Just btw he would not sign the papers needed for SM Rubashkin’s release. He had them sitting on his desk collecting dust -in the end Pelosi signed the papers. Schumer a yid has b’chira – he chose not to sign… Pelosi does not have the same b’chira and I guess Hashem is greater than Schumer and gave Pelosi the honor… Maybe someone should make this putz aware of that little fact.. There is a G-d and He is in charge! Not Schumer!!

  4. @stevehynes
    Your ignorance is showing. The Senator is NOT impeaching. The House pf Representatives passed a bill of impeachment. It has not gone to the Senate for Trial.
    But since when do facts matter to Trump lovers such as yourself. Keep telling and believing lies.

  5. CTLAWYER, since you “care what the Senior US Senator from NY says about the attacks”, please share with us what impressed you with what Schumer had to say.

  6. Can anyone help me explain?
    I remember candidate Trump saying: I’m not going to let people dying in the streets, I’m not going to let this happen in my days
    On all the mass shoutings we’re almost getting used to
    I used to blame this on Obama a fail as commender in Chief who always condemned but cannot protect the people
    Now we have president Trump did anything changed?
    Was the murder rate or shouting incidents increased or raised?

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