What do you do the week after you ran a 3-day convention?
Not Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudas Yisroel.
You see, the Bnos Convention “only” served 400 girls. But what about the other hundreds of Bnos leaders who also could benefit from inspiration and guidance? Who could also get chizuk from knowing that they’re part of a larger whole, connected to Agudas Yisroel of America?
So Bnos invited leaders from all over NY-NJ to get together last Thursday in Washington Heights for a Tri-State Appreciation Event.
Monsey. Lakewood. Brooklyn. Far Rockaway. Kew Gardens. Lower East Side. Staten Island.
The Bnos leaders from Washington Heights greeted their guests with warmth and ruach. “We were the first to come in,” said Bruchy L., a leader from Jackson, “and the girls from Washington Heights were so friendly and welcoming. It was never awkward.”
The girls had fun – of course! – but they also took away valuable lessons.
“Perfection is not the point,” Rabbi Menachem Kunofsky, Director, Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of Washington Heights told the leaders. You do your part and accept that things may not go as planned.
“You’re a role model,” explained Mrs. Bracha Cohen, Washington Heights Bnos parent. Your Bnosers look up to you, and you can give them a chance to succeed outside of school.
“Bnos leaders have a unique opportunity to connect with their girls.” In a group discussion, the leaders agreed that sometimes a Bnoser would feel more comfortable talking to her leader than to an adult.
“Each Bnos chapter is part of a big picture.” Seeing girls from different communities and hearing from Rabbi Labish Becker, Executive Director of Agudath Israel, made this lesson real.
And the Washington Heights girls had a special chance to shine, added Frumy C., Bnos advisor. They planned, decorated, set-up, and presented their own WH Bnos theme song.
For Bruchy, though, the best moment came on the way home. Riding on the bus back to Lakewood, they passed a car accident. The girls spontaneously took out the Sifrei Tehillim they got as a memento from the event and said tehillim together.
That’s Bnos in action.
For more information about Bnos events, call 212 797 9000 ext. 330 or e-mail [email protected].