Sanz-Klausenberg Rebbe Shlita on the Taryag Mitzvos and Settling Eretz Yisrael

sk2Visiting Eretz Yisrael for a family simcha, the Sanz-Klausenberg Rebbe of the USA Shlita gave a shiur last Thursday in the Dushinsky Beis Medrash in Yerushalayim, addressing a packed house.

The rebbe explained the need for the tzibur to have total emunah in the words of Chazal and to cling to the tzaddikim of the generation.

The rebbe addressed the difficult situation in Eretz Yisrael, the defamation and slander against the bnei Torah tzibur in the secular media. He refers to those who mistakenly believe they can defend Eretz Yisrael with כוחי ועוצם ידי, unaware that living a life of Torah is what entitles us to the land, nothing else. He points out that when one travels to Kever Rochel one must now travel through tunnels that remind one of the approach to Auschwitz or when the Muslims in their brazen chutzpah disturb tefilos in the Old City yet noone says a word.

He asked rhetorically if in the UK where there are many Muslims if they would dare to shout on loudspeakers as they do in Israel, where the rebbe points out the galus is the strongest. Here in Eretz Yisrael the rebbe explains “we are living by miracle and by ‘The Guardian of Israel Never Sleeps’, and through the merit of the fulfillment of Torah and mitzvos, nothing else.”

The rebbe explained the churban Beis HaMikdash was due to a lack of faith in HKBH and while setting Eretz Yisrael is significant, it does not stand opposite the observance of 613 mitzvos. He warns that all the talk of inducting chareidim into the IDF is a smoke screen for the real plan, to uproot Yiddishkheit and to distance Bnei Yisrael from observing Torah and mitzvos.

The rebbe urged the tzibur to continue learning and maintaining the Torah lifestyle despite the hardships resulting from the budget cuts, confident the Torah tzibur will prosper. “We have Torah, kedusha, tzedaka, chessed, midos and honesty while they have nothing. All their gezeiros and defamatory remarks are a result of their jealousy” the rebbe added.

The rebbe told the tzibur that the Jews of the United States and elsewhere in the world stand firmly behind the Torah tzibur in Eretz Yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Due respect, but churban bayit was due to sinat chinam which charedim are causing without even knowing ( i naively hope) that they are doing it…

  2. when the Muslims in their brazen chutzpah disturb tefilos in the Old City yet noone says a word.

    well maybe he should ask them or have some of his followers join the force and do something

  3. He refers to those who mistakenly believe they can defend Eretz Yisrael with כוחי ועוצם ידי, –

    There is NOT a segment of society in Israel which believes anymore in this hashgafa.

  4. With all respect to the Rav and others who keep repeating this mantra, proposals to have Chareidi bochurim take a year or two to serve in the IDF or some alternative public service is NOT a conspiracy to destroy yeshivos or part of an all out assault on torah learning in EY. These rabbonnim must know that only a fraction of the eligible bochurim will actually be drafted and that will still leave tens of thousand of younger and older bochurim in kollel. Why do they insist on engaging in this kind of hyperbole they know is untrue. Perhaps they should consider offering some alternative proposals rather than trying to further polarize the tzibur and inflaming the secular/frum divisions in EY

  5. Rosh Cham – you need to study the topics of churban in depth to voice your opinion. Peakman and what did you do about it? Gadolhadorah – you seem to know way more than any Rav right? I’m glad everyone gives “due respect” before gossiping. If the whole Idea is to involve chareidim in the workforce, then simply cut the budget and arrange a system of workforce integration. WHAT DOES IDF HAVE TO DO WITH IT? I haven’t heard any answer to this question yet. Therefore it reveals the motivation of “civilizing” the chareidim society. Nu?

  6. With all respect to the Rav, if the Yeshiva community really wanted to help their brothers in Israel, they would do away with 600-800 person weddings, and dedicate this money to true Yeshiva families in Israel

  7. #1
    One can argue that sinat chinam is a result of lack of emuna. If one really understand the unity of Hashem and His people he would not feel chinam.
    You blaim charadim for sinat chinam, its always easier to blame others.

  8. Just listened to the whole speech, very powerful speech,to all above commenters I’m sorry but you are missing the point.

    1. The rebbi is not causing sinas chinam just the opposite he is pointing out the reason for the hate is jealousy not real hate.

    2.Many chareidim are convinced by the media that this is a fair situation, unfortunately they don’t realize that there is a war being waged against hashem and his torah, a year ago the same rebbi had the guts and in a speech spoke out against Bloomberg calling him one of the worst enemies against the torah.

    3. The rebbi is known to. Love and be mekarev every yid frum or not, that doent mean he shouldn’t say what he feels is right.

  9. #1 It’s not sinat chinam. It’s sinat against those who out to destroy Torah and Yiddishkeit. Protests against such reshaim may even be done on Tisha b’Av.

    #3 Whom are you trying to fool besides yourself? Not only Chilonim believe it deeply, esp those who don’t believe in Hashem or the power of Torah, even many posters on YWN believe it.

  10. Does rebbi really believe that the torah learned by hesder yeshiva boys, who learn and do army service is nothing? Why can’t the charedi community start their own hesder? That would be a fair peshara

  11. What makes you say that the rebbi believes hesder torah is not good? Its good and better than nothing, but how can you compare with full time torah learning? And let’s not forget this is not about Chareidim going the IDF its a war on Hashem as any1 that follows the news can see.

  12. Dovid hamelech was one of our greatest torah Giants. But he clearly was one of our greatest generals. He did both. Plus the torah says that those who marry,building a house or afraid don’t go into the army not torah learners. That was milchemet reshus. But milchet mitzvah all went. Today any milchama is mitzvah since it is pechuach nefesh.

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